The old meaning of "dull" and "dumb" in the Southern U.S., Britain and Europe
I know people just get 'chuffed to bits' about these linguistic subtleties posts. Words are power, in 'themselves', so consider that idea. Dumb and Dull in old usage means dead, pure and simple. Witchcraft is focused on Ancestry and the powers of death, more so than the neo-pagan nonsense that was perpetuated in the 60's to 90's about fertility gods. We historically, have no clue what our ancient ancestors believed and how they viewed antisocial - 'Saturnine' people (other than the foreign 'Old Testament' examples). What was considered 'witchcraft' begun in the early medieval period in Europe (evidence still exists in certain extremely rare 'modern' beliefs that echo medieval sorcery practice- whether you believe it or not) . 'Sorcery' was however an ancient concept, just as 'poisoning'. Dumb and Dull used to be methods of divining per personal ancestors and guiding spirits, beyond what 'modern' supposedly 'scientific modern' people believe credulous. I will remind you that many 'modern' people are so 'scientifically minded' they believe in god-like aliens who can distort time, distance and space to come to a planet with no possible advantage to their culture. So one is just as 'dull' as the other, in OUR opinion...
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