A Recommended 'Read'

The Dark Spirit : Sinister Portraits from 'Celtic' History, Dr. Bob Curran , Illustrated by Andrew Whitson, Cassell & Co., 2001. ISBN 0304356220  

I'm not fond of the word 'Celtic', it has become historically inaccurate in reference to the Irish, Scots, Welsh, Manx and Cornish (especially in reference to the ancient).  However, this book brings up the concept of   "Saints of the Greenwood" (which I have only read in Daniel Schulke's writings - Cultus Sabbati) .  In Our new terminology "Them/Those who walk a step above", meaning those who are dead and living, but not shackled by earthly concerns.  Here is a small list:

Elijah (Dual belief) - taken in whirlwind

Reverend Robert Kirk (Scotland) - disappeared into Elphame 1692

Reverend W.T.  Hawkins (1930 North Carolina) Taken around the natural landmark "Devil's Courthouse"

John Byrne (North Carolina or Tennessee) looking for a lost calf and believed he was gone just a day, returned in 1902 having been gone for 21 years.

Nell Cropsey aka "Beautiful Nell" (North Carolina, early 1900's) some say she was murdered, others believe she became a "White Lady" or was subsumed into her 'court'.  There is a mention in the "The Dark Spirit" of her father hearing her voice calling him from a river, i.e. Tennessee folklore: a voice from a small hole in the earth, a whirlpool, a cave, etc. 

John Hendrix aka 'Prophet of Oak Ridge' (1900), who went mad (read prolonged trance) into the woods for 40 nights in winter, slept on the ground and survived. 

Those who 'disappeared' completely are said to have left no trace (no forensic evidence).  If you think I'm referring to some neo-pagan or alien/ufo concept, you are fooling yourself, so please refrain from using this in your posts...

Addendum: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle are excellent U.S. literature about being 'taken' and 'lost time'.  Also, a practical example is a person hiking or exploring 'special' woods without a watch will believe they have been gone an hour, when in actuality it has been two hours to half a day.

"...Shine for all your suffering...In a fatal world, they're afraid of what SHE brings..."  Shine - FOTN           


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