A short post on 'drugs and drink'

The only purpose of alcohol and drugs, which eludes 'modern' people is ritual activity and easing the pains of death.  This is one reason why addictions develop.  The true purpose was/is tribal strengthening/bonding/ storytelling, connecting, travelling to the 'church'/transvection (trance in modern parlance), gaining the sight/ 'the knack' or the 'shine' or seeing over distance and time and communing with greater or lesser spirits and certain 'fertility'/rutting/ defensive/ 'right order' rituals where power was taken down or pulled up from the Celestial, Earthly or Underworld Spheres .  This is why some will give you no sympathy for your cleanses, drying out, abstaining, etc.  The Fairies/ 'Them Others'/ The Old People/Ancestors are said to despise tee-totalers because of their haughtiness and disrespect of these gifts which they introduced to mankind (Read the Secret Commonwealth, Rev. Kirke). 


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