A post about Das Handy

U.S. kids have a problem with Das Handy/Cell like German Kids (Useless Gadget Fasc.).  German Kids can't read Fraktur/Old German script and U.S. kids can't read cursive and definitely not old U.S. Cursive.  Seems like a Grandpa issue, then you realize the original U.S. Constitution is in old U.S. cursive and old land deeds.  So these sought after 'wing-nuts' in employment can go to Washington D.C. and look at the founding documents and just see 'scribbles', reassuring isn't it?  Youth is only admirable in it's fallacy and strength of imagination.  Although, middle age and elder pays the way for their 'uninformed dreams'.  We have people in their dotage who fulfill the fantasy/imagination parts of life, so the only purpose of youth is 'looking pretty'.  What a valuable skill.


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