How Fidget Spinners Seem To Spin Forever | Mach | NBC News

I'm not sure why 'thee electronic childrens' go 'fandabbiedoozie' over these, but they do?  They get really irritated if you don't know about 'fidget spinners'?!!  Get thee out in nature, chylde!  The three 'wheeled' spinner is everywhere outdoors.  I'm curious to see the actual (there are none) studies that this helps (Adhd?) children concentrate.  As one older person said to me, 'it helps them walk into traffic or the side of a building!"   Yaaaaaahs!  Not to be a Luddite, if they like them then I suppose it's great.

 How Fidget Spinners Seem To Spin Forever | Mach | NBC News 


Hecate’s wheel (Strophalos of Hekate)


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