Of the 'geography' of Elphame/ Fairholme/Deidholme

One: The Waters: sensually inviting, yet seemingly full of 'creatures'.  Waterfalls that unreasonably fill many acres of land with shallow water, with the exception of 'gushing'. 'thick', misty waterfalls...
Twa: The Earth, Subterranean pits that fill with water on command, the dissipate.  Serpents that appear and disappear on command.
Three: Rainbow and Blinding circles or orbs which empower 'carriages/cars' with high velocity speed to different parts of Elf-home.

Unrelated:  Highly Attractive 'people' with some sort of 'witching'...

We neither care if you understand or believe...these 'things' are of 'OUR OWN'...  


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