Bauhaus- Nerves

Bauhaus- Nerves

Nerve ends tick in flicker book animation
One eye's closed in fear, anticipation
Will it stay shut? Will it ever open?
What if?
What if?

Tell tale tongues lick at seven senses
Brittle spittle sparks you are defenceless
The fabric of dreams is ripped apart
As you feel the twist of the shadowed dagger
In your pumping heart

Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel
Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel
Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel

Sense of serenity is shattered in the glint of splintered glass.
A trail of random cutlery cuts a dash in the concrete underpass


Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel
Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel
Nerves like nylon, Nerves like steel"

"F!ck the banks
F!ck the power/electric company
F!ck  the 'Tax Adjuster'
F!ck all corporations
May the Wind be in your face,
May the Tide be at your back.
May the stumbling stones be forever at your feet.
May sickness 'lye' at your doorstep,
And the invisible spectre have her hands at your throat, every-night..." bless you


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