U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In - The New York Times

Tsk, Tsk!  Don't  blame 'it' on the U.S., BLAME the current admin...

A.K.A., the 'people', less educated than I, EVEN WITH MY sad old University of Tennessee degree.  Okay, maybe WE do like to punch people in 'the berries', mehh? ehhh?

We don't care who 'comes in', just as long as the behave themselves (correct order, 'rota') and there are a lot of 'hillfolk' and 'deep -southerners' we'd kick out, because they have no common sense or 'home training/manners', so... go figure that one out.

Addendum: You caught me, I'm an elitist based on merit, the educated should have a 'better' position in society (that would cut out politicians).   Ignorance is not based on 'formal education', just a lack of self and societal-learning ('street smarts' and intellectualism, if you please or if you don't please).


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