Aww, it's the ancient middle east in Tennessee
While 'born', 'air breathing', 'alive', people are precious (in a 'way' - no one should be denied their existence), 'clump cells and non air breathers' are thing -its. Women control their own bodies, just as it stupid to tell men not to masturbate (oh the multitudinous death of supposed 'humans'). One must save the sloughed off eggs, blood and cells of the menstrual cycle to be re-animated by 'pastors', with sixth grade educations, but they were 'called' by 'gawwd', what God? No nasty Divinity school for you! You can't read Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew and have no training in theology, but you just know better than all of US! We reprimand all you 'holy' people to save all the skin cells you slough off in the shower (murderer!) Why are these right wing political whores dressed up for a wagon train? Nonsense! We give no quarter to those who have given us no mercy throughout Our Life! Maledictus furor tua ad tertiam generationem!
Tennessee governor signs strict late-term abortion ban
Tennessee governor signs strict late-term abortion ban
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