
Showing posts from 2017

Javle Goat

Cheapstow Mari Llywd, medieval Welsh

Ole' Buck

Ole' Buck the Old Christmas spirit

Ole Buck, NC

The spiritual hood...

Phrygian Cap, Mitre, 'Thinking Cap', Monkshood (not the plant), Yarmulke, Sleeping cap, Pagan Roman shawls for men and women, Roman Catholic women, Greek and Russian Orthodox head shawls, Shamanic head coverings, "The wizards and witches- conical hat", Hijab, Modern 'Hoodies'. Yes, I think about geeky and weird things. E.g. "19th century sleeping caps" , are similar to the 1990's studies by Psychologists, 'warming the head caused beta-delta wave oscillation in the human b ... rain" (sleep and dreaming came more quickly). Monks have their hoods, Nuns have 'apostlnik' and 'wimples'. The pope wears a mitre, shamans had horned head coverings,etc. Hipsters wear 'toboggans' year round and everyone wears hoodies, on occasion. Tennessee , North Carolina and Kentucky, 'witches' always talked about a red handkerchief or a 'white three stained red handkerchief' worn on the head. 'Thinking ...

Esclarmonde de Montségur - Music video clip - "Padre nostre" cancion de los cataros

Esclarmonde de Montségur - Music video clip - "Padre nostre" cancion de los cataros 'herdsman(cattlemen/people), shepherds (sheep -herders), 'Stobs' (anchors-fixers), Les Chevilles...'

Happy Martinmas

Happy Martinmas and Old (true) Hallowe'en,  may your Ancestors imbue you with knowledge , magia and customs, in oneiric and waking life.

Heilung/LIFA show, ...Eine Stunde und sechzehn Minuten

Heilung/LIFA show

Sale on my claimed (owned FB) page

"I'm Outta Dutch with Reality Productions" Facebook page is for sale...hit me up.  Yes, we must survive, like yourself.  All trademarks, namesakes, rights will be released to you... "A youth hostel, a dispensary, an 'ironic' bakery, an Amsterdam red or blue/light district business...etc."


And your heart...Fields of the Nephilim "We must suffer to free our pain"  And a sci-fi geek, once told me that the band was crap and irrelevant. What is irrelevant is 'sci fi' , anti-archaeology, and the hate of science (observed, observed, observed, replicable, replicable, replicable).  Who cares about 'star wars' or that dross. "But then we 'fell' into the harsher life of farming, with its ceaseless toil and daily grind. And we know primitive farming was harsh, compared to the relative indolence of hunting, because of the archaeological evidence. " Read mo ... re:…/Do-mysterious-stones-mark-site… Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook  They were  " Horrified" at Cain, for introducing stable farming (hence he symbolically murdered the the lazy hunter gather Abel).

Shanti People - Hanuman Jam (Live at Kyiv) (Monkey Soul)

Shanti People - Hanuman Jam

sHANTI pEOPLE - Mahishasura Mardini (droplex mix)

Mahishasura (Great SH-Asura)

Shanti People (live in Kiev), Banda Brasileira (2016)

Shanti People - SHIVA Tandav Stotram I love that people of East Indian ancestry, 'seem' to like this one.  She has bothered to learn Sanskrit, so they don't feel like it's a cultural theft.  Just a clear singing of the stotram, albeit in a non-trad. way.  Brazil is also one of our finest, American countries...too, so be in awe!

Martinmas(s)/ Old/Ancestral Hallowe'en

First/ 'White' : Christian, Saint Martin cuts his cloak in half so that a poor man doesn't freeze in the night. Patron Saint of the poor and young children. Martinmas (Mass of Saint Martin), (Jesus and Mary, always). "And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Second/ Middle/ "Gray/Grey": Folk/ Old (True/Ancestral) Hallowe'en eve, Divining, Ancestor veneration/'Elphame' venerat ... ion and reparation of offenses, 'house-cleaning (take that as you like)' 'Light Bearing (take it as you like)', 'Necromancy, the clear'. Experience of all things of winter and hardships. The best path for living on 'man's' planet, not unrelated to the other two. Third: "Black" Old ideas and beliefs ...'Necromancy, (the hazey)', 'destruction', terror, sacrifice, killing of hogs, geese, a...

First, Second, Third

First Gate: New Hallowe'en, pop Hallowe'en October 31st Second Gate: November the 1st. Third Gate: November 11th to 13th...

New Oct 31 Hallowe'en 'fumigation'.

Nakhla two apples (middle-eastern 'appled/molasses' tobacco), myrrh, black copal and lobelia...

The 'Heartland Series' , Upland South Hallowe'en

Unfortunately, it is not on Youtube. Bill Landry explains an old Witch 'initiation' in Eastern Tennessee.  It follows our mythic cycle, so I know it is true. Paraphrased : "A young woman, goes to an 'old woman' (a witch) and asks her how she might become a witch.  The old woman explains that she must go to a river before sunrise and tell 'God', 'curse God', that she would no longer serve 'him' and only serve the "Devil".  Then, by miracula, appeared a white handkerchief with a drop of blood.  The witch must eat the drop (sometimes said to be three or four drops).  Then, 'the Old Woman/Man' would 'test' her or him..."

Halloween Julian..New Style

English people who call Hallowe'en an 'Imperial American (they mean U.S.A, correctly) holiday are dull as a bag of feathers. Seriously, they speak about how stupid we are, then have no clue about history. Halloween is a Catholic/ folk religion U.S.A., Scottish, Irish, Manx, Welsh (Nos Galen Gof), Cornish (Allantide) holiday. Bunch of chavs in England, anyway, these days.

'Genii Loci'

Victor Le Torey mansion and vinyard, Byrd Mountain and Cabin (36°06'39.7"N 84°34'23.6"W), more haunted than any place in Tennessee, Morgan County. Instead of silly spook ongoing 'party' for spooks'.

Stolen or borrowed?

I think, they've (American Horror Story) stolen Southern/Scots-Irish folklore with the lines, "I AM queen of every hive and thee tree and the lightning that strikes it..." I and many USA Upland Southerners have discussed, in part, the potency of the lightning struck tree.  Most of 'Our Kind' have several on Our Lands...excellent research department on their part, I suppose?! Some say the 'song of Amergin', but the lightning struck tree is not in that poem, it refers to a particularly Upland Southern USA tradition...?

LOL, Illuminati post

The supposed Illuminati have contacted me, lol. Which died out in the late 18th century, historically. I may be wrong, but I am none of you and my people are not your breed, far older...

October-November -December

I often wonder what  Old Ancestors, Relatives (Kin), and the recently deceased (parents and grandparents) are experiencing at this moment.  I have been in 'transis' and the oneiric vision of a 'kingdom' of multi-layered graves descending into a great marbled hall with a gracious 'lady in white' and the hall contains a white staircase leading ever upwards.  I have been in a world of white trees and warm white snow.   I have been in  a world of 'yelling whirlpools' and talking 'holes'... Are these the same things the dead are experiencing or just what the living 'travelers', see?   How can souls on the 'other' manipulate earthly things, like electricity, electronics, weather, etc.  Some will argue, oh there is no science to support this idea.  Item one: neurons are electrical/chemical cannot be the 'seat' of human/animal personality is 'energy'.  Are they at the 'next door', y...

Our Herb of Hallowe'en

Lobelia inflata Lobelia inflata ...'Thomsonian medicine'...'Our Herb' (if you survive Lobelia during the 31st October to the 13th of November, you've accomplished a feat)...  It 'closes' the lungs, rather than 'opening' them...'in transis.'..

Danheim - Ulfhednar

Danheim - Ulfhednar

UK DECAY ~ Werewolf "Alte, lol" andere

A Varg (Werewolf), a Vampire (Vampire) and a Witch (Hexerei, Haksan, Brujer) are one and the same...two are dead...and one is alive or just so... UK DECAY ~ Werewolf

Hollow by Wendy Rule (from the film BOYS IN THE TREES)

Hollow by Wendy Rule (from the film BOYS IN THE TREES)

Chris and Cosey - Send the Magic Down

Chris and Cosey - Send the Magic Down Intro: A:C: "In the Years of the Primal Course, in the dawn of terrestrial birth, Man mastered the mammoth and horse, and Man was the Lord of the Earth. He made him an hollow skin from the heart of an holy tree, He compassed the earth therein, and Man was the Lord of the Sea." 'Shouting through the Valley OF THE ONE...Sending the Magic DOWN.."

Rus, Volga Tribes, Vikings accounts by early 'sociologist'

History of the 'Rus', Volga tribes from an objective observer. When science, maths, medicine, sociology were part of the 'Empire', instead of rhetoric... Ahmad Ibn Fadlan

Nordic Iron Age Grave Field and Hill Fort

Nordic Iron Age Grave Field and Hill Fort Cup holes in Norfolk and Yorkshire, as well.  Heating rocks into glass (vitrification)...'glass castles'.

An Cailleach Bhearra (Granny Veera) , Irish Short film

An Cailleach Bhearra


There are many nations, within there is no one government 'for all', in any... I see the FBI and NSA files, getting thicker.  We are joking, but no...they will, laughingly!

Arnica URO

ARNICA - Uro [HD1080 Official Music Video]

Tempestade | Urze de Lume (Musica)

 Urze de Lume

Spanish Police Injure 800 in Crackdown on Catalonia Independence Referendum as Crisis Escalates


Wiederherstellung des Zwecks für den Zauberer (inspiriert durch südliche US-Traditionen)

BESCHORWUNG:  "Ich will nicht mehr ausscheiden, hungern, fühlen wollen, brauchen oder gezwungen zu atmen ...   Ahh, die Menschen und vertriebene Geister sagen, ich will Tod ...   Mein Ausdruck des Zweifels erobert deine "Schmerzen".   Ich bin in den Holzschalen von oben nach unten,   Ich bin in den Platten des Mondes angeboten, von oben nach unten,   Ich bin in den drei Tropfen und drei Knoten, von oben nach unten.   Ich bin der geschnitzte Stein, den nur wahres Blut verschlüsseln kann.   Der östliche Bach (Bach) läuft WEST, der Western Creek läuft nach Osten.   Ich bin der Blut-Schuss Sonnenaufgang, ich bin der Blut-Schuss Mondaufgang!   Ich bin die Seele des schwarzen Felix mit einem weißen Haar, die Spooks haben mich entkleidet.   ICH BIN DIE SEELE des schwarzen Hundes und die Schrei-Eule, die "Melde".   Ich bin das Blut aller Dinge versteckt und unbekannt! " Auf einer Bergspitze vor Sonnenaufgang, oder be...

Reinstatement of purpose for the Sorceror (Inspired by Southern US traditions)

"I WISH to no longer excrete, hunger, feel want, need or be forced to breathe... Ahh, the humans and expelled spirits say, I want death... My Expression of purpose conquers your 'hurt-done'. I am in the wooden bowls top to bottom, I am in the moon's platters offered , top to bottom, I AM in the three drops and three knots, top to bottom. I AM the carved stone, which only veritable blood may cipher. The Eastern creek (stream) runs WEST, The Western Creek runs East. I am the blood-shot sunrise, I am the blood-shot moonrise! I AM the soul of black Felix with one white hair, the spooks have stripped me. I AM THE SOUL of black dog and the screech owl, the 'annunciators'. I AM the blood of all things hidden and unknown!" Osculum Infame, or the "Cussing", reified. 

Randal Collier Ford - Flesh Reconstitution

Randal Collier Ford - Flesh Reconstitution

Тюргэн Кам - альбом "Ахой 2011".

Тюргэн Кам - альбом "Ахой 2011".

Шаман Тюргэн Кам "Зов Предков"

Шаман Тюргэн Кам "Зов Предков" What do we call this modern and old fusion?  It's funny how people perceive nature-connection sounds, because nature doesn't always reciprocate.  More like spirit sounds.

Why? To bite all the people? lol

Alle Hunde in einem Dorfe an einem Orthe zusammenzubringen. Nimm das Kraut Hundszunge mit einem Froschherz und ihrer marice, an einen Orth gelegt, wo man hin will, so versammlen sich daselbst die Hunde des Dorfes.

Wulf-Zahne Archives suisses des traditions populaires, Volume 6

Dass ein Pferd nicht leichtlicht müde werde. Wenn man einem Pferde die grossen Wolfszähne an den Hals hänget. so lauft» wohl und wird nicht bald müde.

Calumniation A GOOD REMEDY AGAINST CALUMNIATION OR SLANDER. If you are calumniated or slandered to your very skin, to your very flesh, to your very bones, cast it back upon the false tongues. + + + Take off your shirt, and turn it wrong side out, and then run your two thumbs along your body, close under the ribs, starting at the pit of the heart down to the thighs. Johann Hoffman, 1820

Юлияна - Уhуктуу (HD) (Musica)

Юлияна - Уhуктуу (HD )

Тюргэн Кам - Песня Деда (Tyurgen Kam) Music

  Тюргэн Кам - Песня Деда

Тюргэн Кам - Энэсай (Amazing)

Тюргэн Кам - Энэсай

Of signs, again...

The extreme growth of mold: Either, you have too many large trees around the dwelling or it's a sign from the nature spirits (Fairy, Nunnehi, Heligen Leute, Peri, etc.) that you have fallen out favour. A confluence of White Moths: Grandparents/Oma-Opa, are watching, ancestors.  South-Eastern USA, America. A Black Dog: Death or disturbing changes.  (All over the USA, Canada, UK, Parts of the Near East).  The same goes with a 'red' (orange) and white dog, UK and USA (Southeast). A greenish sky: Upheaval, drastic change and terrible weather (Upland South USA). Over-Abundance of Myrtle flowers: "Angel visitation (In some near-eastern folklore).  In the deep South, USA (an lifelong love).   Same as an overabundance of Magnolia flowers... The Screech Owl: a death in the family, if it 'hoots' from a tree on the property.  The cure: turn your shoes upside down or heat a poker in the fireplace (hot iron/cold iron is a 'worldwide cure')....

A DARK SONG Trailer (2017)

Outstanding Irish horror film, although, it really doesn't seem a horror film.  Some extremely dark humour and ridiculousness, but that just makes it better.  I was shocked to see 'petals' falling from the ceiling and scratching on the floor, not usual themes for movies?  I don't know why the Abramelin was chosen, it isn't months long, still fascinating.  Although, ceremonial magicians spend a lot of time on 'non necessities', either you get a return or a non return.  This is true with going to work each day, lol.

Cut Hands | Vaudou Take Me High


Like most dreams at night...


Out of Dog Days, into Cat Nights (Northern Ireland/Upland South)

Cat Nights

Тюргэн Кам и ТРАЙБЛ БИТ Дэнс Компани |TRIBAL BEAT FEST November 2016


Heilung - the Northern tag


Sextile - One Of These


Sibelius: The Swan of Tuonela


Jean Sibelius - Finlandia


John Balance on Broccoli, Compost Heaps, Prince Charles, Ancestors, and ...

Wise words from the departing Eat your greens, especially broccoli Remember to say "thank you" for the things you haven't had By working the soil we cultivate the sky We embrace vegetable kingdom The death of your father, the death of your mother Is something you prepare for All your life All their life

The Transfiguration - Official Trailer HD

The first true 21st century renewal of the 'Vampire' Genre.  I'm sure many will argue, but it encompasses the same themes, where do the 'unnatural' fit within the world of 'upright, regular, middle class, et cetera, et cetera...garbage.

Of the rectification of teminology and various other 'philosophy'

The main point of this post is to 'declare' some differences in beliefs; I (FUTURE we, again), know their is no reincarnation.  However, the 'mentality', 'soul', 'psyche' of ancestors will readily descend or 'ascend, if you like', to a new baby, or to the group mentality of a blood/marriage family. 'The Good' is a skilled, masterful, useful person/persons, who are accomplished.  None of this Victorian nonsense of about propriety, sins, class, etc.  Good in ancient times and even to the present had various meanings.  In the South, 'Good 'ole boy', still means nearly the same.  One who skilled, but not on the list for 'sainthood', thus: "Saint"...Not all true saints are recognized by the Universal (E.g. Catholic church), Russian and Eastern Orthodox, nor Gnostics.  Miraculae happen which those out of the church or religion (for that matter) are of little interest to the peculiarities of 'cult'. ...

▲in death it ends▲covet▲


Turgen kam Shaman's arrow


Тюргэн Кам - Энэсай

Like the first time you heard Les Mystere des Voix Bulgare, but more powerful.

The Blackest Crow By Rising Appalachia


Юлияна Кривошапкина - Дьүрүйээнэ: "Сүрэҕим"


Тюргэн Кам - Песня Деда (Altai shaman music 'modern-style'


UUTAi Olena - Russian shaman lady

Modern Monica English in Russland?

Light in Babylon - Ya Sahra -Music (Müzik Türkçesi)


Ho Ophis - The Black Void of Apep

I can't imagine why this isn't a fave of cheerleading squads...I'd go to that High School (Hoche Schüle)...

Literary Terms Defined and Described 26: Chiasmus

Of the spiritual name of a book without pages, the mundane being that which is 'scribed' on black pages with white ink...

Psychic TV - Elipse ov Flowers


Catalan - Christopher Hobbs - Psychic TV


This Cold Night ~ The Divide (2015 Demo)


The Wyrm - El Regreso al Hogar


The Wyrm - El Tuerto


black envelope

ROFL, did anyone get the big black envelope with 'no return' addy, recently? I 'laahfed' even harder when I saw the 'USA FOREVER total eclipse (one can hope)' stamp. I thought see THEY do have a sense of (dark) humour! 'secraats', lol.

CHVRN - awakening




Klinik — Nautilus Ah Cama Sotz Mix 2001end of the line


Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday using 1930s instruments - BBC Arts


Polar Inertia - Hell Frozen Over [DM3D011]


Sextile - Into The Unknown


SEXTILE - "Truth and Perception" & "Visions of you" @ Non Plus Ultra LA

I'll just stop posting anything, if you can't be bothered?

SEXTILE Full set LIVE at HM157


Hocico - I Abomination (Official Lyric Video)


Emme Ya - Sigillum Sabbati (2014)


PSYCHONAUT 75-EMME YA -333-Labyrinths Ov The Hidden Gnosis




SÁMI FOLK MUSIC | "Ancient Forces"


Siouxsie and the Banshees - ICON


Siouxsie And The Banshees - Poppy Day


Coil (Vienna 2002) [01]. I am Angie Bowie (Sine Waves)


Coil (Vienna 2002) [05]. The Universe Is A Haunted House (Drip Drop)


Coil (Bologna 2002) [08]. AYOR


Coil (Bologna 2002) [09]. Backwards



Apparently, the 'correct' way to become a vampire is to have a black cat thrown over your coffin or leap over, according to folklore...just 'throwing' that one out there. hurrrff 'resurrection'. Am I making friends again...  Then you must be a dead witch...

Coil - Dark Age of Love


Coil - [04.] Sipping Birdsong Through Bedsprings - R.F. Hall, London, UK...


Posh english people....comedy. Catherine Tate


RoD - Zazas, Zazas Nasatanada Zazas


Shibalba - The Entrance to Xibalba


Shibalba - Death Posture (musica)

Austin O. Spare influence?

Yazidis The Black Snake


Lalish - Yazidi


A Brief Overview of Zoroastrianism


Black Sun - Altar of Hecate [Re-Issue Enhanced Sound]

Trivigantus Veni est...

Black Sun - Hymn To Lucifer

Nothing to do with the Christian bogey...but yes, a little (roman Catholicism)...

The Distant Black Sun- Emme YA


How To Disappear Completely - Mer De Revs (Full Album, 2017)


Old Providence ~ Invierno Rojo (released yesterday from Colombia)



Do you know what scholarly people, historians, archaeologists, educated people do? They look at CONTEXT, regardless of inane comments posted on social media. If you have a Christian Church (The CONTEXT) , then you have a Christian Symbol, no conspiracies, no illuminati (which broke up in the 1700's), no other 'sillies'. In this case the symbol of Epiphany (when the three wisemen visited-aka non jews being introduced to Jesus, a fitting symbol for a WESTERN church! If it were on a Greek or Roman temple (The context) then it would be pagan. Yet, that was centuries beforehand and another religion (context).  It's often difficult to not be overly-frustrated with people's nonsense... Martkirche inverted pentagram

Fields Of The Nephilim : Mourning Sun

Mourning Sun (Son)

The Yorkshire Accent

People in rural Tennessee still ask "how ye feelin''...'fair ter middlin'- okay, not great.  I understand this accent. identify with this accent, Scottish and Irish.

I Was Bitten - Brown Recluse bite.

I recently was bitten on the toe (again), went to work (limping) after a feverous night, didn't complain...still necrotizing on occasion, yet by my ARTE not destroying my foot. Yet, I bore you, apparently.  This is one tiny reason why 'my kind' have a difficult time, connecting with your kind.  Since we're being snotty and ill mannered on the blog, these days.  No shots, no normal meds, but everyone knows better...have your world, i'll have mine and so will those of OUR KIND...

Herbst9 - SULFUR



Wow, everything is on the wane...FB, the blog, etc.  The People (Elementals) and the Dead (one and the same tribe) hate inconsistency and fickleness.  So we may just end this, like all the other websites and blogs.  'Damned if you do, Damned if don't'.  Ridiculous!

Play Dead-Into The Fire Live...Musica Britannia (youthful inhibitions)


Lustmord - Zoetrope Trailer


Untouched Ancient Chapel inside of an abandoned Castle [Germany]

Leslie and Geordie from Belgium, again!  Exploring during 'Uni' vacation.


wow, no response on the blog too...when you annoy or don't appeal, best to go away... 

BBC The Story of Wales Episode 1: The Makings of Wales

Ivory and red ochre, not the Paviland 'lady', but the Paviland gent. In blood you are born, in blood you leave...

Southern Death Cult - Moya


Lustmord - Chorazin...musica


Sephiroth - Wolftribes -music

_ Shepherd' Faustulus Bringing_Romulus_and_Remus_to_His_Wife Sephiroth - Wolftribes   some silly pics, but some 'nature' photos.  Why would a 'Shepherd', bring a wolf home?  It's a 'thinker'.   Irish, Scandinavian, and French folklore/mythos, from the 6th C. to the 19th century.  Obviously, the ancient is not the contiguous line to the modern.  

Ortrotasce ~ Untitled


Archaeologists discover 'secret square' beneath Neolithic stone circle

Archaeologists discover 'secret square' beneath Neolithic stone circle Oh well, you found a square in a 'graveyard', surprise (we still have them)! Every 'discovery' is a 'justification' of old 1950's to 1990's archaeology and somewhat to folklore (a small part, but...) An old Welsh tradition was to place the square hearth stone over the grave of an ancestor, thus you 'owned' the land, indefinitely.  This was through the virtue of the Ancestral spirits. Brython-Britain ('of the Welsh')

Coil - Copal (Musikk)

A whole song about incense (Burseraceae family) and trees.  'Black'-'Gold' Copal/ancestry... Myrrh is in this 'family' of trees...the bitter 'funeral' incense.  Frankincense/Olibanum gums/incenses, as well.

10 Themes of Stoicism (Things the parents thought were important)

They were both informed (more so my mother)  and uninformed (but, repeating the same beliefs).  Marcus Aurelius was one of the books in the 'library'. Would have been more authoritative with an 'Oxfordian' reading the 'script', but... Dad always said things like "You can't rely on other people for YOUR FEELINGS".   I thought this was a 'nonsense saying', when I was young.  The meaning WAS:  If you don't value yourself, then other people will not value you/ your thoughts.  It also meant that strength to live, abolition of 'loneliness', the ability to ignore the 'mass opinion' is within mind/soul/personality.  What other people view in you, is as unimportant as what you view in them.  They are not in your body/soul/mind and they are not in yours! 10 Themes of Stoicism 10 Themes of Stoicism (Part 2) However, many of these are not 'written in stone', while discipline is important...the 'rea...

Halo Manash: Conjunction - A Vessel Springing With Nectar From The Skybound Source

Halo Manash: Conjunction - A Vessel Springing With Nectar From The Skybound Source A Vessel Springing With Nectar From The Skybound Source - we hope...  


AURAL HYPNOX RITUALS :: HALO MANASH & ARKTAU EOS & AURAL HOLOGRAMS I thought," I've seen this 'outfit (clothing/Kleide)' before".  Remember, the 'bug-eater -homeless' man from the  Hellraiser movies?  Singer's clothes, thumbs up.

Emme Ya - The Conjuration Ov The 'Red Goddess' (promo video) (Musica)

Black, Red, White, Green (Or Gray) Emme Ya - The Conjuration Ov The 'Red Goddess' (promo video)

"För vänskap"

"För vänskap", always seemed to have an underlying meaning in the "Svartkonstboken".   We may be 'reading' to much into the idea/praxes!  Someone, 'might' understand?!

Jading and Repelling

Country people have tried for centuries to repel 'pests' and reward 'work' animals. Repelling 'Snakes'   Repelling Snakes and Lizards: Vinegar Repelling 'Felix': citrus scents are said to repel cats of all sizes and species. Attracting 'Felix': Catnip (Nepeta sp.), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), interestingly Valerian is said to be a favourite of Rats and Mice. Attracting Homo Sapiens: Males-Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), aka "English Lavender", supposedly, used by prostitutes, centuries before the 'current' scientific research.   'Vervain Aquae Vitis' - male and female, male and male, female and female in 'accord' from a Medieval text.  The Horseman's Word (USA, 'Horse Whisperer') on Wikipedia of all places!   (Jading of Horses)

Circuncelion "Sontay" HD (musica)

Circuncelion "Sontay" HD

Fields Of The Nephilim : Psychonaut (again)

Fields Of The Nephilim : Psychonaut At least, Carl is still hammering it Origin is in none of your 'books'.  The less spoken of 'it', the better.  Best to play the games of the 'little powers', than try to understand 'infinity'...

Fields Of The Nephilim-Trees Come Down

Fields Of The Nephilim-Trees Come Down    'like 'trees' falling from the sky...' The Book of Enoch tells the story of how 200 'rebel' (TEACHERS) angels, or Watchers, decided to 'transgress' the heavenly laws and 'descend' on to the plains and take wives from among mortal kind. The site given for this event is the summit of Hermon, a mythical location generally association with the snowy heights of Mount Hermon in the Ante-Lebanon range, north of modern-day Palestine.  So, if they had no free-will and could only 'serve', that speaks volumes... Just as silly as Prometheus (bound by Zeus, not Saturn), who pitied mankind...

Fields Of The Nephilim - Reanimator [HD] (again)

Fields Of The Nephilim - Reanimator [HD] When you think of Heroes, do think of NEPHILIM, LOL... "Hey, WE are transforming with YOUR DAUGHTERS on the ground!!!...Your 'world' stinks, your world stinks"

Bauhaus Mask

Bauhaus Mask "Forever antecessor resurrect 'me' from mortal disease, ash, and dirt. So that I may feed on the parasites of Earth, Blessed, Lucky and supposed 'Holy', HA Barinth-Donn, the waters, the waters, the waters... Aquae Vitae drown the corpse, Aquae  Mortem drown the 'living'.

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead - The Hunger (retro or forever)

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead - The Hunger Every Day ISS Sandal strap...

Witch house (genre) (Drag, Surf-Punk...retro reach-back into 'darkwave')

Witch house (genre) Mephisto Walz - Dear familiar phantoms  (1990's) White Ring - Roses  (2009)

Synthwave (2000s genre)

Synthwave (2000s genre) -Wikipedia

Mechanical Octopus ~ I'm The Moon (Lyon, France 2017)

Musical dance 'funz' Mechanical Octopus ~ I'm The Moon George Chlioumis (Youtube)

My Other Side ~ I Must Find A Cure !

My Other Side ~ I Must Find A Cure

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Israel ...see below, lol

Funny old song from the 30's/40's? Siouxsie and the Banshees - Israel

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Arabian Knights ...never fans of the policies of the 'kingdom', well Earth, but...

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Arabian Knights

Siouxsie Sioux sings Disneys' Hypnotic Suggestion ('OLD' thing-its)

Wow the 'royalties' must be high!  Anyway, the jungle book, Disney, etc, laugh or be afraid, who knows?  Trust in ME

Our Swan

"HADON! NODHA! Our Swan, in the 'Lake' Cygnet et Signet! Manifested from the waters, As Mothers and Eld- Mothers, Before and Forth, As Comfort and Mystery, As powerful Daughters of Water and Whirlpool. Call out from waters and whirlpool. White feathers illuminated in sun, White dresses 'illuminated' in 'falls'. Glass of Pools reflected! HA! DONNALBA BELLA!"

A little stress relief: Wind in the Willows - PIPER at the Gates of the Dawn (1980's)

The Wind in the Willows S01E12 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The good fellow who takes care of little animals, because people do not...

Swan Song - Sleeping Dogs Wake (Music USA)

" When the water turns red, I know you're dead ..." oddly, amusing this happens in a certain lake in Wales (according to folklore) dead birds, just the lake...

This Ascension-Swandive (Music USA)

This Ascension-Swandive "Distance is 'figurative', I 'CALL' YOU once or twice. YOU come caroling advice..."

Elijah's Mantle - Wise Words of Eve (Musica)

Elijah's Mantle - Wise Words of Eve Never know where this 'train stops', lol.

T.Rex - Ride A White Swan (1970) (with lyrics).wmv (Sumfrin' anovfer diff)

T.Rex - Ride A White Swan (1970) too many years on this, oh ugggghh                  

Babacar - Mantra (Caroline Crawleys' latter band)

Babacar - Mantra

Shelleyan Orphan - Melody of Birth (UK 1986)

Shelleyan Orphan - Melody of Birth    Paul Rothwell 5 years ago  (youtube) "Thanks, glad you liked. The painting is credited right at the end of the clip; 'The Funeral of Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley)', painted 1889 by Louis Edouard Fournier. Part of the collection of the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool..."

The Mission - Naked and Savage (again)

The Mission - Naked and Savage   (Midsummer's Al Fresco, it's a joke,  have a laugh!)  Blessed and Happy St. John's Day.  The Cuckoo is a herald of spring, time (the clock), and a fresh start. Atmospheric and 'pompous music' that informed my youth, thank you!  'Clichés' can be renewed into BEAUTIFUL song. "The cuckoo sleeps, hungry and wild and crawling Through the storm that breaks Clears away the vicious and violent heat Breathe deep, breathe long and hard Kiss and caress the hands that feed Love me primitive, betray my lips And the treacherous heart, the savage breed Hollow eyes only cry hollow tears And the tinseling flesh melts away The scars and fears that the shameless years Leave laughing and dancing On a wasted and tattered dream Cry hollow tears, stifle the tortured kiss and scream Screaming in the darkness, torn and ravaged Spinning round in circles And in the crazy and the howl of the naked and savage The cuckoo slee...

The Mission - Swan Song (Single)

The Mission - Swan Song (Single)   

Shelleyan Orphan - Epitaph, Ivy & Woe (The Tube 1987) Musica Britannica

More like old English 'country' music...but, labeled as 'hippie goth' 'granola-goth', alternative, blah, blah... Just gorgeous music, sadly beautiful, C. Crawley passed a few years ago. "Oh loved where they lie cold in the snow. By the cherub now headless by green overgrown . Epitaph, epitaph ivy and woe. O sleeping lion curled deep within prayer . Until a day come and repose you there. Valhalla, Valhalla, ivy and woe. In loving memory o Victoriana Arise within Valhalla's hall. Catacomb vaulted tomb beloved's sleeping room. Charnel house, ivy and woe . O cradling angel been raising the child. By the cherub now headless by the grey yawning grave . Epitaph, Epitaph ivy and woe. Silent white a destiny to die. O sleeping lion lie cold in the snow. Until a day come and repose you there ... Valhalla, Valhalla ivy and woe"

Emme Ya - The Awakening (The Nightside Ov Eden) (Music)

Emme Ya - The Awakening (The Nightside Ov Eden)

A note

While we do encourage people from every nation to look at what we're saying, believe, think etc., be cautious.  There are some places where these topics are punishable by death.  So if you visit out of interest, then you are welcome.  We would say get yourself an exceptional firewall, delete your cache often and use the utmost caution, someone might be snooping.  If you are visiting to get yourself fired up about those 'evil nations' up north then you are unwelcome.  We look at our stats.   That being said we don't want to uncharitable.  However, these topics will get you outcast status anywhere.  There will be people who will just write you off as a relic, uneducated, a fool, or just delusional.  Then there will be those who view you as worthless because you are an abomination or 'evil'.  We have no delusions about the kindness of man(kind).  "The son rides the donkey and gets threatened because his poor old fathe...

Hexentanz - Midnight Procession (mUSicA)

Hexentanz - Midnight Procession

The Three Ravens (or Crows) - Andreas Scholl (Thomas Ravenscroft's collection, published in 1611)

The Three Ravens   "There were three Ravens sat on a tree, Downe a downe, hey downe, hey downe. They were as blacke as blacke could be-with a downe Then one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakefast take? with a downe derrie, derry, derry, downe, downe Downe in yonder greene field, downe a downe... There lies a Knight slain under his shield-with a downe... His hounds they lie downe at his feete So well do they their Master keepe-with a downe... His Hawkes they flie so eagerly, downe a downe... There's no fowle that dare him come nie. with a downe... Downe there comes a fallow Doe, As great with yong as she might go-with a downe ... She lifted up his bloody head, downe a downe... And kiss'd his wounds that were so red. with a downe.. She got him up upon her backe And carried him to earthen lake. with a downe ... She buried him before the prime, downe a downe... She was dead her selfe ere even song time - with a downe... God sent every gentleman, Such hawk...

The Mephisto Waltz (1971) - Trailer (Alan Alda B movie 'funz')

The Mephisto Waltz (1971) - Trailer    B movie silliness, but: Got an old body that you can't do anything with, get a new one?  If a spirit can 'ride your horse', then a man or woman can 'ride your horse' for a while or a lifetime ('hag-ridden').  Another type of 'moonchild'.  We do have some pretty 'thoughts', don't we?  In folklore and magical lore this explains why such and such person was thought to be 'dead', but they came back and looked 'different'.  The 'personality' was recognized, but the appearance was different.  Needless to say the 60's, 70's and 80's were a time when people were more 'enthusiastic' about 'hidden' things to put it mildly.  Now everyone has a phone, tablet or fidget spinner up the arse, what a bunch of party people!

Necromancy 1972 Special edition (B movie horror funz)

Necromancy 1972 Special edition - The 'less silly' version. That scene on the hilltop cemetery, just fascinating... "Is ablaze with the light of the fires, we smiled, the visions, the visions of the ???"  then when the lady gets to the hilltop she hears something different... "We sang Hosannas for thee, We sang Hosannas for thee"...then "We remember your fire..." lol. Back and Forth, Back and Forth... I've always wanted to buy a rural town by a becoming a multi-millionaire toy or candy-maker and errrrrr fill it with 'like-minded' err people. lol.  Halloween III , Necromancy, The Magus

The Hallow Official Trailer (One film that got the folklore "them others", "the people", right)

The Hallow Official Trailer   DID you ever have a garden overgrown in week or two with wild plants and trees?, ever had a stray dog, cat or animal come to your house that wasn't 'quite right' (like a copy of the animal, but not exactly how cats and dogs look)?, ever had a 'plague' of mold or fungus in the house with little to no humidity?, Ever cut down a tree and get so ill you'd thought you die?  Ever had your vegetable plants knocked down, or damage to a corner or side of your home that wasn't caused by a storm, an animal, or insects?  Ever had a relative or friend go missing with no forensic evidence/DNA left behind?  Everything is 'returned', our 'owner-ship' is just fleeting.  

Willow's Song (Cinema and 'fakelore') - The Wicker Man

Willow's Song

The Broomfield Hill - Child 43- Ewan MacColl

The Broomfield Hill - Child 43 "...Nine times she walked 'round his heid, nine times she walked 'round' his feet..." Ulex   Cytisus scoparius

Sephiroth - Wolftribes

Sephiroth - Wolftribes

And Also The Trees - Scythe & Spade (Musica Brittanica)

And Also The Trees - Scythe & Spade



White Christian Male - Crusade (again) mUSicA Detroitus

White Christian Male - Crusade

Muslimgauze - Mullah Said! (mUSicA)

Muslimgauze - Mullah Said

The Devil & The Universe - What Time Is Love ? (lol 80S?90's? classic re-vamp, if there was such a thing?)

The Devil & The Universe - What Time Is Love ? The KLF

THE DEVIL & THE UNIVERSE - Haunted Summer - official promo video (a terrible 'b' horror film, but fun)

THE DEVIL & THE UNIVERSE - Haunted Summer (Let's Hope!)

The Devil & The Universe - Iblis

The Devil & The Universe - Iblis Popular in the 'Kingdom', lol... I shouldn't be facetious, ehh?

THE DEVIL & THE UNIVERSE - Osculum Infame II (theatrical!!, lol)

THE DEVIL & THE UNIVERSE - Osculum Infame II The infamous kiss, Saracen's Kiss, Stimulation of the 'ROOT', "Secrets", "Void" OR "Fundament", etc.  I often wonder if these bands are 'just for pretty' or do know what is going on...

Cocteau Twins: Need-Fire (Summer is acomin' in, lol)

Cocteau Twins: Need-Fire Folk custom, extinguish all 'vill-uj (village)'  fires and then relight them with a 'central fire' started from flint and tinder (no metal).  Summer and Winter.

Cocteau Twins -Aloysius + 'discourse, AGAIN'

Cocteau Twins -Aloysius   Something people these days, probably never listen to nor care about.  Anyway, people used to say, oh this is pleasant, it 'uplifts' me, or its and Edwardian 'throwback'.  I've never had that impression.  Cocteau Twins always made me feel a bit manic or nervous.  It's pleasant enough music as far as sound (gorgeous), but there's something just a bit unnerving beneath the 'surface'.  Edwardian/Victorian only in the 'sense', that women were considered 'property' at the time, I suppose. Pink, Orange, Red is just a recitation of Latin names of flowers.  In film and TV in England, there was a sinister joke about hated-abusive husbands/rapists.  It was "just lie back and think of England or think of beautiful flowers." ???  Pink to Red is somewhat a nod to angry thoughts.  Something terrible that happened? Donimo  is reflection of 'Ad Hoc Domine'.  Also Domino, something falling.  Loss of f...

"Something of import" - Stellate Ganglion block studied again for effectiveness

Stellate Ganglion block replicated for effectiveness in PTSD Supposedly, the treatment has worked for some, although not permanently.  Some Psychiatrists/Psychologists believe there is not enough evidence to make a conclusion.

Humour: an exchange with a German Customer (Deutscher Dame Kunde)

At work a customer came in and I heard those familiar r/w pronunciations.  Also typical of English poshies (listen to Kerr Simmons, news presenter).  I asked, "are you originally from Germany?"  "Yes" in English.  I said "Danke".  She said, "all that from Thank You" in English, instead of 'Bitte'.   It was an insult, lol.   What she incorrectly phrased in English was supposed to be, "all that, JUST for a THANKS!??".  So, I laughed, she was rude in her incorrect English and I was rude in noticing and pointing out the humorous slight in my post. 

Bauhaus - A God in an Alcove (this old nugget, again)

Bauhaus - A God in an Alcove  via   Jesse Oor .  People seem to be clueless about the meaning, fairly a white moth floats around me, lol/lmao... "Go and look for the dejected once proud Idol remembered in stone aloud Then on coins his face was mirrored Take a look it soon hath slithered To a fractured marble slab, renunciation clad His nourishment extract from his subjects That mass production profile He's a God- in- in an alcove Once he spread the rain So they dreamt in vain Once he spread the wheat Had made garlands for his feet Until the lily poet of our times Horizoned on the line Love became the in theme then Opposing fakers thrice by ten Don't perceive his empty plea That redundant effigy He's a God- in- in an alcove Take in view his empty stool What's left is satin cool Clawing adornment for his crimes They saw they had to draw the line So they sent him far away So they sent him far away To a little alcove To a little alcove All alone He'...

Interesting people: Julian (Julianne) Cox

Interesting people: Julian (Julianne) Cox by JULIAN COX's own admission ...... 'It was to this purpose: that she had been tempted by the Devil to be a Witch, but never consented; that one evening she walked out about a mile from her own house, when there came riding towards her, three persons upon Broom-Staves borne up about a yard and a half from the ground. Two of them she formerly knew, a Witch and a Wizard that were hanged for witchcraft several years before. The third person she knew not; he came in the shape of Black Man and tempted her to give him her soul, or to that effect and to express it by pricking her finger and giving her name in her blood as a token of it, and told her that she had Revenge against several persons that had wronged her, but could not bring her purpose to pass without his help; and that upon the Terms aforesaid he would assist her to be revenged against them'

Wicked Messenger - Black Tourmaline I (musik)

Wicked Messenger - Black Tourmaline I     Industree ov Agonee

Interesting People: Sefi(a) Bubbels, Belgium

Sefi(a) Bubbels  - Jozefa Bubbels

Trepaneringsritualen - Alone/A/Cross/Abyss (musik Svenska? Deutschland?)

Trepaneringsritualen - Alone/A/Cross/Abyss

Interesting People: Three women of Morgan County, Tennessee

'Old Biddy S':  1880's to 1950's?  Biddy was not a term of endearment in Tennessee.  "S", SUPPOSEDLY sold herself to ole' Scratch at Sunrise, milked ropes (stole milk from neighboring cows, not an uncommon theme in folklore), she was said to be able to walk through fire without harm, and on her 'deathbed' she screamed "I can see the fires of Hell around my bed".  No white light tunnels, hmmm? "G.D.", said she had visions of "Our Lord" and could hear him, audibly.  Aware of the 'old signs'.  Surrounded by Quails during the day, and just before familial deaths, screech owls.  Foretold deaths, weather 'good' and  'bad', offered a membership in the 'Eastern Star'. Unknown:  1970's, woman who lived on a hill within an apple orchard.  Collector of many guns and knives and would show them proudly to 'apple-pickers'.  Apples do not grow well in 'this' certain locale, but ...

Witches and Witch trials in Luxemburg, Belgium and the Netherlands (10th c to the 15th century)

Witches and Witch trials in Luxemburg, Belgium and the Netherlands   Compiled by Marc Carlson , with input from Joan Pontius It was last edited 9 June 2004

Interesting people: Ole' Man Stout of Jamestown, Tennessee

Interesting people: Ole' Man Stout of Jamestown, Tennessee   In the 'tales' he has taken on many aspects of Scotland's Dr. John Fian...

Trepaneringsritualen - Etern (Musikk)

Trepaneringsritualen - Etern

Interesting People: Grace Sherwood of Virginia

Interesting People: Grace Sherwood of Virginia

RH/KTL/Cloaks/Cindytalk - Renegade Hybrid No.1 - Searching For Lost Souls

RH/KTL/Cloaks/Cindytalk - Renegade Hybrid No.1 - Searching For Lost Souls   

Cindytalk - Five Mountains Of Fire

Cindytalk - Five Mountains Of Fire Published on Jan 5, 2011 via Touched/Raw label (Cinders) Cindytalk - Five Mountains Of Fire.Editions Mego 10inch April 2010. Spectacular okuribi bonfires on five Kyoto mountains signaling the end of summer. The Daimonji Gozan Okuribi (Daimonji Bonfire) is an event held on the evening of August 16th, when gigantic Chinese characters and other motifs are depicted by fires lit to illuminate the surroundings for patrolling on the slopes of the mountains surrounding the Kyoto Basin. It is a famous for evoking the image of a Kyoto summer. Although there are several interpretations as to the origins of this event, it is generally regarded as a fire set alight at the gate for seeing off the souls of ancestors after commemorating the welcoming of their souls. The character of "dai" (meaning "large") on the Nyoigatake peak, and those of "myo" and "ho"which make up the word "Myo-ho" (wondrous teaching o...

Trepaneringsritualen - Veil The World / Judas Goat (live set)

Trepaneringsritualen - Veil The World / Judas Goat           

Floris and Blanchefleur, old tales

Floris and Blancheflour

Trepaneringsritualen - SHE Is Flame Of Life

Trepaneringsritualen - SHE Is Flame Of Life

Trepaneringsritualen ‎- Konung Dómaldr Vid Upsala Hängd (Musica Germanus 2013)

Trepaneringsritualen ‎- Konung Dómaldr Vid Upsala Hängd    Oh the 'holy city' of Uppsala...;-)

Michel Gendreau - Two Worlds For Now (Musica)

Michel Gendreau - Two Worlds For Now   BlackBlack. AlwaysBlackBlack.

Oneiric Eclipse Sigillae

The Eclipse Double Sigillae received in dreams.  The idea being that the short eclipse dark period is the right of the wrong (a 'right', but unusual state coming to 'correct' imbalance in 'societal order' .  E.g. The fumigation given to be burned/burnt during the actual 'dark' of the eclipse during the dream was 'Gum Sandarac', from the Moroccan Arar tree, which is blessing and transformative.  The 'dark' period is to be 'graced' with words of blessing (charms) for those who have been cast down (human and non human).  The fumigation before the eclipse is to 'Asafidity/fidity gum' or Asafoetida, with words of 'cursing' for the unduly priviledged.  Asafoetida gum is burned after the dark of the eclipse with the same 'blasting' words.  Nothing may come, one's own destruction may manifest or 'blessed' change may happen personally or societally,  the people from many traditions have tried for ye...

Giacinto Scelsi - Anahit (1960's?)

Giacinto Scelsi - Anahit

Francisco López - Benthic Storm

Francisco López - Benthic Storm   

Muslimgauze - Mosaic Palestine (musica)

Muslimgauze - Mosaic Palestine


 Biltmore Estate, 1980's  Hyde Park, 1992  Juan Les Pin, 1992  Tennessee, 1987 Tennessee, 1999

Park Attack - Tongue en Groove (Music Scotland)

Park Attack - Tongue en Groove    "Ye'll have more fun at a Glasgow(Glasgi) Funeral, than a Edinburgh wedding"

Park Attack -bELTA Smelter (forgotten Scotland 2004 Music)

Park Attack -bELTA Smelter

Arab Strap - Cherubs ('old', jajaja, music of Scotland)

Arab Strap - Cherubs "I see cherubs swarm around the bed and swooping down to kiss your head. Only when you're wrecked do you agree with all my plans for you and me. The walls breathe, we're locked in tight - it's a lovely end to an ugly night. I think I could burst but I'm sure it'll keep. The strobe in my head keeps me from sleep."

FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM - Celebrate (Music UK 1988)

FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM - Celebrate   "...For the 'lesser blessed', it seems HONEST HERE... ...CELEBRATE FOR OUR LESSER DAYS... ...For a LESSER GOD, WE seem HONEST HERE..."

Robin of Sherwood - Herne (Ceol na hÉireann)   (not 'pagan'), but English/Anglican 'Christian' folklore, muh de(a)ers...

the Alexander Romance (oh the death threats)

The Quran & the Alexander Romance          The Masked Arab If an ancient gay/bi man can 'conquer' the 'world', he gets OUR two thumbs up!  Yaaahhs, we have no respect for the supposed world of 'humans'.  If you're reading this you probably don't, either...

Muslimgauze - Fakir (bed of nails mix) - Intifaxa (Musica)

Muslimgauze - Fakir (bed of nails mix) - Intifaxa

ah cama sotz akhirah (musica iniquiatus,lol)

ah cama sotz akhirah


Yaahs, I am Polterabent on Youtube, Cole from 'On Cumberland Ground'

Trisomie 21 - " Il se noie "

Trisomie 21 - " Il se noie "

Yer spirit of rebellion

The 'spirit of rebellion' only prevails, when there is much to rebel against.  So Babble on (Babylon/Babalon) Trump(ets), Thatchers, and Reagan's Bushes of the future. Trisomie 21 The Last Song  Killing Joke - Eighties Crass - Do They Owe us a Living (Lyrics)

Cold Dreams -French 'Darkwave', 1986

What they're calling coldwave these days...we used to just say alternative, lol passe' .

Scholarly thoughts on Abwoon/Abwun translations, instead of fluff

Steve Caruso- 15 years translating Galilean Aramaic (Syriac dialect?)

Ely, Lisa Gerrard sings Abwoon - The Lord's Prayer spoken in the Aramaic Language

El-y, Lisa Gerrard sings Abwoon - The Lord's Prayer spoken in the Aramaic Language Abwoon is song by Lisa Gerrard sung in Syriac Aramaic, the language thought to be spoken by Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. - David Moore   (Via youtube) santonio70 1 year ago  (via youtube comment) Abwoon d'bashmaya Netqaddash shmak Teete malkutah Nehvwey tzevyannach aykanna d'bashmaya aph b'arha Havlan lahma d'sunqananan yaomana Washbwoqlan haubvayn aykana daph hnan shbvoqan l'hayyabayn Wela tahlan le'ynesyuna. Ela patzan min bisha Metul dilakhe malkuta wahayla wateshbuhta l'ahlam almin Amen

Lisa Gerrard - The Serpent & The Dove (Music Australia 2009)

Lisa Gerrard -  The Serpent & The Dove



Burial Hex - Open The Gates For Me (Music USA 2010)

Burial Hex - Open The Gates For Me

Telemachus 'A Boy Who Thought He Could Fly' (again, music)

Telemachus 'A Boy Who Thought He Could Fly'

Edith Piaf - Non, Je ne regrette rien (Vraiment «ancienne» musique française) lol 1959?

Edith Piaf - Non, Je ne regrette rien

Strapping Me Down -Christian Death (Something different and old, slightly dark humour, from the psychedelics)

WWII USA, England, Germany or Russia, Medieval Europe, Chemotherapy... take your pick? "Strapping Me Down" -Christian Death "Candles burning under secret floors When was love ever more wet This table is cold, I wish for you now Prism eyes no sooner forget One hundred and twenty experiments Only the lucky were sodomised Will I ever awaken with you in bed Does your passionate cup still weep I was already in pain, My sweat was dry The promise of pleasure remained Crystal tears embedded in cheeks Felt holy men burn me with flames Black crosses with wings On the arms of the hands Wiping brows on the heads of blonde hair A wall of faces Strapping me down Strapping me down A wall of faces Strapping me down Strapping me down Strapping me down Forever Forever Forever"

Jim Morrison - The Ghost Song (Music USA)

Jim Morrison - The Ghost Song - 60's/70's-ish song leading to 80's rural adolescents secretly toying with sexuality.  Ghosting never was so rich with meaning, lol. Jim Morrison - Dawn's Highway   What people call errr 'cultural appropriation' these days, what we used to call 'multiculturalism' or cultural interest...faaaaaah?  This 'world'...uggh.

The Doors - Away In India (Music USA) - something really old, supposedly...

The Doors - Away In India

The Third Sound - For a While (Nouvea Psychedelics) Music

The Third Sound - For a While Psyche Coaster (Youtube channel)

Gitane DeMone - 1983 - 'A Merman I should turn to BE' (Again, Jimi Hendrix cover)

Gitane DeMone - 1983 "...NOT to DIE, but to BE REBORN..." "1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be)" "Hurrah! I awake from yesterday alive but the war is here to stay so my love Katherina and me decide to take our last walk through the noise to the sea not to die but to be re-born away from a life so battered and torn.... forever... oh say can you see its really such a mess every inch of earth is a fighting mess giant pencil and lip-stick tube shaped things continue to rain and cause screaming pain and the arctic stains from silver blue to bloody red as our feet find the sand and the sea is straight ahead.. straight ahead..... well its too bad that our friends can't be with us today well that's too bad "the machine that we built would never save us" that's what they say (that's why they ain't coming with us today) and they also said "its impossible for man to live and breath underwater.. forever...

Dead Can Dance - The Protagonist (again)

Dead Can Dance - The Protagonist   I went to University with a little 'frog who thought he was a prince', because he was handsome and 'mildly' intelligent.  He referred to DCD as the 'infamous choir of doom' (which was quite witty, I suppose). Although, I replied 'Oh just crawled out of mill-town Appalachia, did we?".  Seems more uplifting to me, anyway, 'the beholder'?  His roommate was a classical music major and loved it, so...?  'Long' memory is not a blessing!

Dead Can Dance- Frontier (or 'Fwontier' if yer posh), something eld, (Australia, UK, Eire')

Fwonteeh   ...not a 'hit' in Australia in the 80's, lmao.

The myth of Troia Nova (New Troy) Trinovantum

'Mazey Stones' also called 'Troy stones' are used/were used by Cornish seers according to folklore.  Troys are 'paradises' for the dead according to even more obscure Cornish folklore... We always try to learn the ways of our many Ancestors...

Hellas Crete The Palace of Knossos part 1, Kreta

Hellas Crete The Palace of Knossos part 1 'lustral baths' were large indoor pools used by the 'Cretans' to cleanse dead bodies before burial, this symbol is ingrained so heavily on the mentality of sorcerers, that they constantly dream of whirlpools, floods, giant tiled baths where the ancestors speak to them, et cetera.  Or is that just peculiar to US?  Not the most comfortable or enjoyable of visions and dreams...   

Something 'eld'...Cabs -Slowboat to Thassos (Music UK, 1980'S)

Cabs -Slowboat to Thassos We must be wanting a Mediterranean vacation, Again...

'Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares' - Kalimankou Denkou (The Evening Gathering) Музика български? Muzika bŭlgarski

'Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares' - Kalimankou Denkou Go see them live, amazing...ONE of the few 'acapella' groups worth seeing.

Forest Swords - The Highest Flood (Official Audio) again (Music UK 2017)

Forest Swords - The Highest Flood

Jeune Galois - There Is No Naming (Music 2017)

Jeune Galois - There Is No Naming   BlackBlack. AlwaysBlackBlack.

Y/6543/ - V (80's-ish 'tribal industrial?) from TYR, 2017, Music

Y/6543/ - TYR   BlackBlack. AlwaysBlackBlack. (Youtube 'channel')

Interesting people: Monica English

There is some debate as to whether she was an 'old fashioned' witch or a 'gardnerian (whatever that might be)". I have read some online information that her 'coven' met in an old barn in black robes and basically sat in 'ecstatic' group silence, which is a characteristic of 'physical' meetings of 'old fashioned witches/sorcerers'.  Not to say it is the only characteristic.  I say this because in the Upland South, supposedly, trance (fascination) was also used (e.g. the 'witch', took a 'scoured' tin pan (extremely shiny) sat in a certain place and beat the pan in rhythm while holding it in the bright sunshine.  Supposedly, visions came by a certain 'saying' and by 'the deevil's' name'.  Also, Monica English was an artist and was said to have developed her 'own' shrieks, movements, calls which caused various 'phantasma/ famuli' to appear.  The coven also used red, white and blue can...

Född Död ~ "I" [он не может любить тебя больше] ,musik svenska 2017

Född Död ~ "I" [он не может любить тебя больше]      Född Död is something akin to 'stillborn' or 'lifeless' in English, if you were wondering.   I mention this because it 'conjures' up images of those who 'walk backwards', born dead, born with legs turned, or feet first... one may consult your local folklore on the meaning.