Jading and Repelling

Country people have tried for centuries to repel 'pests' and reward 'work' animals.

Repelling 'Snakes' 

Repelling Snakes and Lizards: Vinegar

Repelling 'Felix': citrus scents are said to repel cats of all sizes and species.

Attracting 'Felix': Catnip (Nepeta sp.), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), interestingly Valerian is said to be a favourite of Rats and Mice.

Attracting Homo Sapiens: Males-Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), aka "English Lavender", supposedly, used by prostitutes, centuries before the 'current' scientific research.   'Vervain Aquae Vitis' - male and female, male and male, female and female in 'accord' from a Medieval text.

 The Horseman's Word (USA, 'Horse Whisperer') on Wikipedia of all places!  (Jading of Horses)


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