The Mephisto Waltz (1971) - Trailer (Alan Alda B movie 'funz')

The Mephisto Waltz (1971) - Trailer   B movie silliness, but:

Got an old body that you can't do anything with, get a new one?  If a spirit can 'ride your horse', then a man or woman can 'ride your horse' for a while or a lifetime ('hag-ridden').  Another type of 'moonchild'.  We do have some pretty 'thoughts', don't we?  In folklore and magical lore this explains why such and such person was thought to be 'dead', but they came back and looked 'different'.  The 'personality' was recognized, but the appearance was different.  Needless to say the 60's, 70's and 80's were a time when people were more 'enthusiastic' about 'hidden' things to put it mildly.  Now everyone has a phone, tablet or fidget spinner up the arse, what a bunch of party people!


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