Shelleyan Orphan - Epitaph, Ivy & Woe (The Tube 1987) Musica Britannica

More like old English 'country' music...but, labeled as 'hippie goth' 'granola-goth', alternative, blah, blah...

Just gorgeous music, sadly beautiful, C. Crawley passed a few years ago.

"Oh loved where they lie cold in the snow. By the cherub now headless by green overgrown. Epitaph, epitaph ivy and woe.

O sleeping lion curled deep within prayer. Until a day come and repose you there. Valhalla, Valhalla, ivy and woe. In loving memory o Victoriana Arise within Valhalla's hall. Catacomb vaulted tomb beloved's sleeping room. Charnel house, ivy and woe. O cradling angel been raising the child. By the cherub now headless by the grey yawning grave. Epitaph, Epitaph ivy and woe. Silent white a destiny to die. O sleeping lion lie cold in the snow. Until a day come and repose you there ... Valhalla, Valhalla ivy and woe"


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