Of signs, again...

The extreme growth of mold: Either, you have too many large trees around the dwelling or it's a sign from the nature spirits (Fairy, Nunnehi, Heligen Leute, Peri, etc.) that you have fallen out favour.

A confluence of White Moths: Grandparents/Oma-Opa, are watching, ancestors.  South-Eastern USA, America.

A Black Dog: Death or disturbing changes.  (All over the USA, Canada, UK, Parts of the Near East).  The same goes with a 'red' (orange) and white dog, UK and USA (Southeast).

A greenish sky: Upheaval, drastic change and terrible weather (Upland South USA).

Over-Abundance of Myrtle flowers: "Angel visitation (In some near-eastern folklore).  In the deep South, USA (an lifelong love).   Same as an overabundance of Magnolia flowers...

The Screech Owl: a death in the family, if it 'hoots' from a tree on the property.  The cure: turn your shoes upside down or heat a poker in the fireplace (hot iron/cold iron is a 'worldwide cure').   Just as driving an iron knife in the sand will stop Jnun/Djinn, in old traditional near eastern belief.


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