Interesting people: Monica English

There is some debate as to whether she was an 'old fashioned' witch or a 'gardnerian (whatever that might be)".

I have read some online information that her 'coven' met in an old barn in black robes and basically sat in 'ecstatic' group silence, which is a characteristic of 'physical' meetings of 'old fashioned witches/sorcerers'.  Not to say it is the only characteristic.  I say this because in the Upland South, supposedly, trance (fascination) was also used (e.g. the 'witch', took a 'scoured' tin pan (extremely shiny) sat in a certain place and beat the pan in rhythm while holding it in the bright sunshine.  Supposedly, visions came by a certain 'saying' and by 'the deevil's' name'.  Also, Monica English was an artist and was said to have developed her 'own' shrieks, movements, calls which caused various 'phantasma/ famuli' to appear.  The coven also used red, white and blue candles according to online sources.  The colo(u)rs of the 'Union Jack', which would suggest a reverence for place or land 'wights' (genii cuculati(us). Which is common in many old fashioned 'ways'.


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