I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - "The Owl" (Official Video/ Secretly Canadian Label)
What is Self and Community? Self is the legitimization of the I/Ego in a community of 'family' (blood related, spiritually related, or circumstance related. This is a rare 'event', likened to 'Hiero-gamos', 'Blood - Brothers', "Communion of 'I's'. All personalities are ONE, until dissipation. All are joined until 'FATE' LOOSENS the bonds and makes students into teachers and teachers into students again.
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - "The Owl" (Official Video)
In physics, dissipation includes the concept of a dynamical system where important mechanical modes, such as waves or oscillations, lose energy over time, typically due to the action of friction or turbulence.
Usually, true communion only occurs at the 'kirk', 'church', 'Sabbat'...
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - "The Owl" (Official Video)
In physics, dissipation includes the concept of a dynamical system where important mechanical modes, such as waves or oscillations, lose energy over time, typically due to the action of friction or turbulence.
Usually, true communion only occurs at the 'kirk', 'church', 'Sabbat'...
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