Interesting 'local finds'

Most people can find these items everyday in their large cities.   However, in the tiny towns of Tennessee, it  IS a rare treat to find them.  We aren't deep South enough to have shops like those in New Orleans.  I will only say that the shop is in East Tennessee in  a small town.  I am usually the only Anglo "Gringo" that shops there.  If other 'white' people knew about it, they'd go cause trouble with their supposed 'evangelizing' or 'acting an ass, as we call it', so...  Because you just know that your limited experience of the world is all encompassing wisdom to dictate to others.  I'll stop trashing the 'small-town-south' and tell you some 'practical ideas'.

Apparently, Palo de Brasil yields a red dye, while Palo Azul, (naturally by namesake) yields a blue dye.  Palo Azul (Blue Stick/Stob) allows one to pass drug - tests, according to folklore.  In folk magic, Palo de Brasil is related to attraction, sexuality, and luring.  Palo Azul is related to 'hurt done' or hexing.  In Mexico, Palo Azul is used for Diabetes, "the sugars" in the South.  Most importantly, are one's own 'workings' with the plants.  What powers present themselves when they are employed in 'true dreaming', burned, powdered and ingested (dangerous to the inexperienced), bathed in, etc.

Everyone is full aware of the mass-produced Abre Camino and Elegua seven day candles. However, if they are 'dressed', 'fixed', 'prayed' or 'intended' 'shined' 'two-headed', then they become more than mass produced merchandise.  Plastic or aluminum wrapped candles have been fixed, but, usually with mass produced non-herbal oils (aceite). So in essence, they are not 'fixed', unless it is by intention, herbal oils, prayers, oracions/orations, etc.  Elegua has a connection with "lil'" 'ole funny boy ('hot-hands' or the little coal- black sprite with dog-paws) and the Scotch-Irish-Anglo "Man in black on an ebony horse".   Everyone has a different 'skeleton-key' to the crossroads, Airts... Because 'the Man', likes 'amusements', those who come without plans/offers are often left with themselves at the crossroads.  Some are just accepted or surprised into the fold at childhood...if you will (and you probably won't).


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