A 'little' thought on the eternal perserverance of SELF/ I /111

The Brain 'fires' electrical and chemical impulses from neuron to neuron.  These impulses are thoughts, autonomic actions and bodily functions.  They are energy!  Energy cannot be destroyed (according to science).  The 'proposal' is that by these principles, one should occupy themselves with a supra-natural or 'super-nature' end.  E.G. , If you only think about the mundane things of work, money, failed or successful 'love -lives', then the electrical-chemical basis of your being is focused on and imprinted, therewith.  This in turn transfers the indestructible energy of self/I, INTO an eternally earthly paradox, E.G. (RELIVING MORTALITY - ETERNALLY).  If your focus is on the gnostic (imbued/inner and spirit - derived knowledge and wisdom), 'imaginal', creative, RITUAL, artistic, heroic, mythological...then you become an energy (after -death) like those principles.  It's better to reach up the ladder after death than descend, again. +++ Amen  xxx 


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