
"Two- Headed" is an old Southern U.S. African-American euphemism for seeing what others cannot, i.e. visions, spirits, ghosts, new 'workings'. 

People declare the infallibility of Atheism and Secular Humanism as if they are not beliefs or religions.  So why bother to promote either.  Atheism and Secular Humanism are beliefs as they seek to gain adherents and they believe in the abstract of "civilization" and "general benevolence and power of humanity".  These are not evil or mundane principles, however they are not 'facts', either.  Ancient civilizations have collapsed because their science couldn't control their consumption and growth. (Faith in Science and human knowledge conquering all problems and the false belief in "unlimited resources"), sound familiar...

People declare there is nothing but humanity and they never see spirits, ghosts or evidence of spiritual things.  Some are born without sight of the other "two headed".  There are different levels of 'sight'.  There are those who can 'sense' spirits, the lowest on the 'totem', if you will.  There are people who can see shapes and colours of spirits and there are those who can see spirits like they can see everyday people, solid and sometimes with touch.  There is an admixture of these properties.  People with these abilities often keep the 'sight' to themselves, as they know the supposedly scientific and majority religious will call them insane.  One is only insane if they do not realiz(s)e their behaviour is different or destructive.  See above about the infallibility of certain modern 'beliefs'.  Those who are 'two-headed', don't try to convince you that their personal experience should be your 'personal experience'.  They couldn't really care less if you believe.  How does another person become symbiotic with you, they cannot...

Place and time may also a factor in the sight/ 'two heads'.  I have posted several times about 'special places'.  There are locales that spirits just seem to prefer to show themselves and help or to cause problems.  There are years, days, and months that certain spirits prefer, as well.  There are traits, not scientific evidence.  There are also spirits that only appear to certain people, i.e. famulus (familiars), or Bean Sidhe (Banshees) or 'spirit animals' which appear only to a certain families.  Be happy you don't see them and those who do, you should be in glory and occasional sadness of the situation. 

If majority religions or total valid scientific thought were the power of  nations, then the modern map would look totally different and eventually the grab for power and influence would be worthless.  If you think we are idiots and just want to argue, then please feel free not to read the posts.  You're not 'spellbound'.  We don't make any money to live and it's a labour of love (it would be grand and solve problems though). We're honest, at least.


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