
Zion Palace/ Tsion Palace (rare Southern  U.S. 'lore'), also called 'Zion Hospital' in Creole lore.  We call it rare folklore because few people dream of this 'place'.  In the Upland South, it's called 'Zion Palace', a large white building that leans, moves, changes directions.  Apparently, it is synchronous with the Creole "Zion Hospital", a surprise to us!   We read, Creole Religions of the Carribean , Margarite Fernández Olmos, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, 2011 and were surprised about the similar name of the place!  Our 'Zion Palace', has nothing to do with politics, Zionism, etc.  It's a landmark tower in the oneiric 'world' and there are many towers in that state of vision.


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