Personal Owl...
The old belief is that the Owl gives wisdom (multicultural). The Screech Owl is an Omen of Death. Figure I. (one) is the imaginal depiction of the ritual.
"Meditation" on the Owl Genius (Totem, Locus Spiritus):
"The focus being the finding of the Owl Image within the 'brush arbor' (aka 'bush', moor, thicket, etc.). This is formed within the mind of the viewer. Once the image 'comes forth' from the forest or brush, the mental image is held until the call of local owls is heard or the bird flies into visibility. Then silently, you ask the bird for night 'lifting', wisdom or the gift of shed feathers for 'jug' or 'bottle' of 'lifting' (aka sabbatical flight).
XXX, BE THOU SEALED and a weight thousand-fold into the red sea to those who would claim you as their own creation XXX COPYRIGHT D.A.T./pOLTERaBEND 2017.
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