Another Example of old oddities to 'Modern' Germans

Obsolete German Measurements

Rute  (Rod 4.32 metres) and Loth (16/Sechtzehn grams) , just like 'Ells' and 'Leagues' make no sense to 'modern' US and UK populations.  These are just examples, so that WE can demonstrate that knowledge/language/terminology/belief has changed and some understand and some do not. 

𝕬 𝕭 𝕮 𝕯 𝕰 𝕱 𝕲 𝕳 𝕴 𝕵 𝕶 𝕷 𝕸 𝕹 𝕺 𝕻 𝕼 𝕽 𝕾 𝕿 𝖀 𝖁 𝖂 𝖃 𝖄 𝖅  

Ah bey cey Fraktur


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