Osculum Infame, 'Saracen's' Kiss, Last Breath, 'Spittle'

I suppose this will be an indelicate post for some...which is comedic to me:

Osculum Infame is the Medieval derogatory term for a certain prostration to a spirit or human.  In Hoodoo and in Southern U.S. folklore people used the folk magic spell "Witch Kiss my Ass" whispered under their breath to prevent a Witch from entering the house or borrowing items (which could be used to control the household).  In the Middle Ages, Witches were said to kiss the 'Devil' on the posterior.  Usually, the 'Devil' was a male human Magister (Imaginal, Oneiric, rarely in the flesh, but usually projected into the 'Sabbatic World' and highly accomplished, as was the 'Mistress'-two people who manifested the spirits).  The posterior kiss was not an actual kiss but, spitting or breathing on the buttocks, which was a working to manifest secrecy, manifest the proceedings to 'the Void', so that 'shadows/invisibility', would protect those in involved, in a dangerous time.  If you think that's impossible, then you've obviously have never met people that you've dreamed about months beforehand.
     In the South, 'Faith Healers' used to spit or breathe on a diseased part of the body to heal the disease.  The same practices are universal, so Gerald Gardner's ('Wicca' inventor) 'five-fold kiss' is just a poor interpretation of folk-magic practices throughout the world.  Several Authors (including the late Michael Howard), have noted that the 'Saracen's Kiss' was in fact the breathing on parts of the body, to activate their powers. Supposedly, this process was from the Middle-East or Western Asia, but suspecting that disease/spirits (benevolent or malevolent/helpful/unhelpful) enter/leave the body through 'portals' is ancient and culturally universal.  This is verified in North American Folklore, 'healing' or 'activating' being the same sort of process.  For instance, 'Croup' (a dangerous breathing condition) was healed by breathing or spitting in the child's mouth.  While this may seem incredibly stupid or backward, to all the quite 'scientific generation' (read fascinated by electronic toy monkeys)...many adults had developed antibodies to 'croup' because they had survived it in youth.
    Spit has been used as a curative to burns, warts, diseases and a seal of protection in many cultures.  The 'Last Breath/Dying Breath' has been used by American and European magicians, witches, and sorcerers for centuries to imbibe the next generation with the "spirit/gnostic ability to learn the 'tradition'. "


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