Of the Spirits of place (Genii Cuculati), Essence, and Hierogamy

If one is wont to know the spirits of place, then simple steps must be enacted.  Bathe in the local rivers and streams (whether they are 'imaginal/imaginary' or physical) , sit in the 'nature' of the place you inhabit with thought, belief, willful purpose.  If old worn buildings, dark alleyways are the nature of your life, then no one can tell you that you that these are separate from the forests of old worn collapsing trees, rotting logs and woodland mires.  The oily pool on the street is the same as the woodland pool with the oily sheen on rotting logs, leaves and plant essences.  While, fouled for bathing, and potable elixirs...it is still a fetish of the local spirits.
      Collect oddities from field, forest, beach, burg, and city which display unusual luminous properties that are peculiar and out of place from the mundane, 'natural order'.  Stand at the crossroads/cross-streets at midnight in devotion, watch Cain (The moon) as he shines in the streams, rivers and boundless oceans at night, bathe in the rain, climb hills or mountains, enter ruined houses, visit old wells and sit in expectant meditation .  What is the history of your 'ground' (the place you live, your 'church', your apartment, property, what was before?).  What is auspicious in your living space, what is malevolent, what is undefinable?  In truth, those who are born in cities, will spend years connecting to rural places, those born in the rural landscape will lose sight of the Genii Loci, when they move to cities and will spend years, returning to and receiving their gnosis, if they return to the country.  The exuberance of youth attracts the spirits of place, with ease.  The 'jaded' or 'measured' property of 'adult age', 'attracts' the spirits of the land with 'hard' devotion and meticulous practice.  The 'dotage' of 'man' attracts the spirits of place like the exuberance of youth.
        Those who would make a 'Hieros Gamos/Polterabend', will be chosen, not the 'chooser', unless they are master/mistress of the otherworld/this world since birth, with the power of fascination/compulsion innate, which is rare as flawless diamonds.  Those who are chosen or compel will begat Heroes and Heroines, who usurp merit, rank, and are endowed with inborn knowledge unusual to mankind.  Many riddles, some personal experience, many outright secrets, some comedy and some hidden 'reality'.  HA-BUCK-Bene-Bene-Benedictos-Haw Spiritus.


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