A Thought on of 'Reversed Blessing' for Faithless 'Friends'.
One that forges their OWN PATH, will become aware or will already be aware that they will attract detritus, much like a stream clogged with dead branches, leaves, mud and stones. Such debris will change the course of the stream. I advise one to start over and 'cut loose by Our Art' that which feeds on your Gnosis and Inner Untamed Light. It will proclaim itself the source of your blessings (which flee you in 'its' presence and reveal 'its' true intent) and will try to hold you with 'charm' because you are the source of 'its' fortune .
'Psalm of Overcoming"
"I am the Light of my Eternal I,
A Universe constant,
Mine Enemies a constellation within,
That has been absorbed.
The Radiance of I,
Is Withdrawn from those who Usurp.
I am the light of Hell,
beneath thy feet.
No more Secrets Reveal'd.
I am the Light of Earth,
Around your Body.
Your Fruit withers on the vine,
Your Harvest ROTS in the Field.
I am the Light of Heaven,
You are Bound in your Course!"
KA! Amen! Gee-Haw!
'Psalm of Overcoming"
"I am the Light of my Eternal I,
A Universe constant,
Mine Enemies a constellation within,
That has been absorbed.
The Radiance of I,
Is Withdrawn from those who Usurp.
I am the light of Hell,
beneath thy feet.
No more Secrets Reveal'd.
I am the Light of Earth,
Around your Body.
Your Fruit withers on the vine,
Your Harvest ROTS in the Field.
I am the Light of Heaven,
You are Bound in your Course!"
KA! Amen! Gee-Haw!
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