Thinking about Theology and Folklore
In the South, we have the concept of the "Brush -Arbor", a Holy place constructed in a sort of wasteland. The definition of 'brush' is a wild place with briars, little bushes, and small trees. The 'Southern Baptists' retained a lot of Southern Folk Beliefs, whether it was inadvertent or purposeful! The concept cannot be declared entirely devoid of Biblical concepts, e.g. "The Paradise in the Wilderness". However, church services on Wednesday night and Friday night, seem to stem from a fear of the "Witches Week". In the Southern U.S., usually in the 19th century to the early 20th, it was said that Witches could hear gossip against them, had meetings, and increased powers, as we have mentioned before. Church on those days or evenings were a counter-magic? We aren't trained in folklore and hopefully, someone in the social sciences would consider this as a study at the University level?!!
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