The death of the middle class

I work in a minimum wage job (or what Tennessee defines minimum wage, however that is 8.25 to 10 U.S. dollars, in reality).  Two thirds of the people I work with have a B.S. or  a  B.A. degree).  The wealthy are probably grinning ear to ear, that they (mostly) have destroyed the middle class.  It's not complaining because pointing it out will make it clear that it isn't 'correct' or accepted.  I'm glad my boss hired me, I work with great people, but it is an aberration to them and myself.  So if this sort of thing happens all over the U.S., WHAT terrible things are happening elsewhere?  I hope the ultra-wealthy are enjoying that 100 million dollar wine collection and they aren't, just as tied to earthly problems as the rest of us (not cheating death, disease and ageing, hmmm?).  However, THEY have had their material paradise here so they will receive none after death.  Not because of some 'major' religious edict, rather, they have never learned what it is to comfort yourself with non material things or have forgotten.


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