A Suffumigation for Martinmas, Old Style Halloween.
This fume is used to commune with the dead or ancestors. Some do not recognize the new Gregorian dates as the holidays which our ancestors would have celebrated. So for the 17th century (1600s) add 10 days to October 31 ( Gregorian/New Style Hallowe'en). The 18th century, 11 days are added and the 19th century, 12 days are added. Those of Germanic and Norse ancestry do not have Halloween, so Old Style Epiphany, Old Christmas, 'die Zwölften', 'Mother Nights' are similar traditions. 'New Style Date' Halloween has only come into 'vogue' in England within the last 25 to 30 years.
1. Dried Apple Peels (Malus sp. Pericarp) or Apple Tree roots
2. Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) (If you have COPD or lung problems avoid this smoke or any smoke for that matter).
3. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
4. Crow/Raven Feather
5. Acacia Flowers, Gum or roots (Acacia sp.)
6. Pine gum or roots (Pinus sp.) Literally the 'pine box'
7. 'Ellum' (Elm-Ulmus sp.) wood
8. "Adam's Needle" (Yucca filimentosa or sp.) flower or root
9. Rose (Any fragrant specie) petals
10. Tobacco (Nicotiana species)
11. Graveyard Vine (Vinca minor or major) flowers
12. Witch Hazel Flower (Only blooms in Fall after everything else has died for 'potency').
13. Something that belonged to the dead, if you are asking a certain relative or ancestor to be your guide.
1. Dried Apple Peels (Malus sp. Pericarp) or Apple Tree roots
2. Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) (If you have COPD or lung problems avoid this smoke or any smoke for that matter).
3. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
4. Crow/Raven Feather
5. Acacia Flowers, Gum or roots (Acacia sp.)
6. Pine gum or roots (Pinus sp.) Literally the 'pine box'
7. 'Ellum' (Elm-Ulmus sp.) wood
8. "Adam's Needle" (Yucca filimentosa or sp.) flower or root
9. Rose (Any fragrant specie) petals
10. Tobacco (Nicotiana species)
11. Graveyard Vine (Vinca minor or major) flowers
12. Witch Hazel Flower (Only blooms in Fall after everything else has died for 'potency').
13. Something that belonged to the dead, if you are asking a certain relative or ancestor to be your guide.
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