
Showing posts from September, 2017

Wiederherstellung des Zwecks für den Zauberer (inspiriert durch südliche US-Traditionen)

BESCHORWUNG:  "Ich will nicht mehr ausscheiden, hungern, fühlen wollen, brauchen oder gezwungen zu atmen ...   Ahh, die Menschen und vertriebene Geister sagen, ich will Tod ...   Mein Ausdruck des Zweifels erobert deine "Schmerzen".   Ich bin in den Holzschalen von oben nach unten,   Ich bin in den Platten des Mondes angeboten, von oben nach unten,   Ich bin in den drei Tropfen und drei Knoten, von oben nach unten.   Ich bin der geschnitzte Stein, den nur wahres Blut verschlüsseln kann.   Der östliche Bach (Bach) läuft WEST, der Western Creek läuft nach Osten.   Ich bin der Blut-Schuss Sonnenaufgang, ich bin der Blut-Schuss Mondaufgang!   Ich bin die Seele des schwarzen Felix mit einem weißen Haar, die Spooks haben mich entkleidet.   ICH BIN DIE SEELE des schwarzen Hundes und die Schrei-Eule, die "Melde".   Ich bin das Blut aller Dinge versteckt und unbekannt! " Auf einer Bergspitze vor Sonnenaufgang, oder be...

Reinstatement of purpose for the Sorceror (Inspired by Southern US traditions)

"I WISH to no longer excrete, hunger, feel want, need or be forced to breathe... Ahh, the humans and expelled spirits say, I want death... My Expression of purpose conquers your 'hurt-done'. I am in the wooden bowls top to bottom, I am in the moon's platters offered , top to bottom, I AM in the three drops and three knots, top to bottom. I AM the carved stone, which only veritable blood may cipher. The Eastern creek (stream) runs WEST, The Western Creek runs East. I am the blood-shot sunrise, I am the blood-shot moonrise! I AM the soul of black Felix with one white hair, the spooks have stripped me. I AM THE SOUL of black dog and the screech owl, the 'annunciators'. I AM the blood of all things hidden and unknown!" Osculum Infame, or the "Cussing", reified. 

Randal Collier Ford - Flesh Reconstitution

Randal Collier Ford - Flesh Reconstitution

Тюргэн Кам - альбом "Ахой 2011".

Тюргэн Кам - альбом "Ахой 2011".

Шаман Тюргэн Кам "Зов Предков"

Шаман Тюргэн Кам "Зов Предков" What do we call this modern and old fusion?  It's funny how people perceive nature-connection sounds, because nature doesn't always reciprocate.  More like spirit sounds.

Why? To bite all the people? lol

Alle Hunde in einem Dorfe an einem Orthe zusammenzubringen. Nimm das Kraut Hundszunge mit einem Froschherz und ihrer marice, an einen Orth gelegt, wo man hin will, so versammlen sich daselbst die Hunde des Dorfes.

Wulf-Zahne Archives suisses des traditions populaires, Volume 6

Dass ein Pferd nicht leichtlicht müde werde. Wenn man einem Pferde die grossen Wolfszähne an den Hals hänget. so lauft» wohl und wird nicht bald müde.

Calumniation A GOOD REMEDY AGAINST CALUMNIATION OR SLANDER. If you are calumniated or slandered to your very skin, to your very flesh, to your very bones, cast it back upon the false tongues. + + + Take off your shirt, and turn it wrong side out, and then run your two thumbs along your body, close under the ribs, starting at the pit of the heart down to the thighs. Johann Hoffman, 1820

Юлияна - Уhуктуу (HD) (Musica)

Юлияна - Уhуктуу (HD )

Тюргэн Кам - Песня Деда (Tyurgen Kam) Music

  Тюргэн Кам - Песня Деда

Тюргэн Кам - Энэсай (Amazing)

Тюргэн Кам - Энэсай

Of signs, again...

The extreme growth of mold: Either, you have too many large trees around the dwelling or it's a sign from the nature spirits (Fairy, Nunnehi, Heligen Leute, Peri, etc.) that you have fallen out favour. A confluence of White Moths: Grandparents/Oma-Opa, are watching, ancestors.  South-Eastern USA, America. A Black Dog: Death or disturbing changes.  (All over the USA, Canada, UK, Parts of the Near East).  The same goes with a 'red' (orange) and white dog, UK and USA (Southeast). A greenish sky: Upheaval, drastic change and terrible weather (Upland South USA). Over-Abundance of Myrtle flowers: "Angel visitation (In some near-eastern folklore).  In the deep South, USA (an lifelong love).   Same as an overabundance of Magnolia flowers... The Screech Owl: a death in the family, if it 'hoots' from a tree on the property.  The cure: turn your shoes upside down or heat a poker in the fireplace (hot iron/cold iron is a 'worldwide cure')....

A DARK SONG Trailer (2017)

Outstanding Irish horror film, although, it really doesn't seem a horror film.  Some extremely dark humour and ridiculousness, but that just makes it better.  I was shocked to see 'petals' falling from the ceiling and scratching on the floor, not usual themes for movies?  I don't know why the Abramelin was chosen, it isn't months long, still fascinating.  Although, ceremonial magicians spend a lot of time on 'non necessities', either you get a return or a non return.  This is true with going to work each day, lol.