In the next few weeks to two months, I'm releasing a book on Amazon kindle and print. Their contract stipulates that you can not have a 'press release' after you sign their contract (so this is beforehand, so not a breach). I do not know what their legal definition of 'press release' is, but other than that, the contract is favorable to a self publisher (screeeeech).  The tentative title is "Trollkarl's Svartkonstbok, Historic Witchery, Sorcery and Folk Magic in Denmark, Sweden and Germany." I've done the translations, sort of like the Galdrabok, with notations, sources, etc.  One can look at the sources, if they do not agree with my translations or notes.  It is an traditional look at Trolldom and Hekserei/Hexerei and is not representive of modern practice (and there is a modern resurgence/continuance).  So look for it and buy, if you like. 


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