
Showing posts from March, 2015
In the next few weeks to two months, I'm releasing a book on Amazon kindle and print. Their contract stipulates that you can not have a 'press release' after you sign their contract (so this is beforehand, so not a breach). I do not know what their legal definition of 'press release' is, but other than that, the contract is favorable to a self publisher (screeeeech).  The tentative title is "Trollkarl's Svartkonstbok, Historic Witchery, Sorcery and Folk Magic in Denmark, Sweden and Germany." I've done the translations, sort of like the Galdrabok, with notations, sources, etc.  One can look at the sources, if they do not agree with my translations or notes.  It is an traditional look at Trolldom and Hekserei/Hexerei and is not representive of modern practice (and there is a modern resurgence/continuance).  So look for it and buy, if you like. 

Helping the 'Knack' in the Midwest

"...A Squirrel's tooth conferred power to divine the future, and to interpret SINISTER or SERENE circumstances..."  Reminiscences of Newcastle Iowa, 1848, Harriet M. Bonebright Closz, Sarah Brewer Bonebright. 

The 'Dragon-Poppet' (Dragedukker/Drejedukke), Denmark and Sweden

    The Dragon-Doll was a 'spiritually imbued' figurine carved occasionally from a tree , which was said to bring money and perform 'miracles'.  People will go aha! a Mandrake...usually it wasn't, as it would have been difficult to grow and obtain that root in the far north by people that lacked the wealth to travel to Italy, the Medieval and consecutive centuries source of the plant.  The Dragedukker (Danish) was said to be able to build houses from stones that even a horse and cart couldn't carry because of the immense weight.  Sometimes, the poppet was called the Drejedok/Drejedukke (Turning Sprite/Spirit - Danish).  It was housed in a wooden coffin or box, like a Mandragora, which was turned to summon the spirit of the doll to bring shillings (coins),  Daler (a larger sum) or the 'Vekseldaler' (Money that returned to the owner once it was spent).      In folklore, everyday people said that it could...

Gee (Yee) Haw, Ka and Karrender (Southern US, East Anglia UK)

Gee (Yee) is an animal command for horses and in the old days, plough Oxen to turn right.  While Haw is the left directional command.  The European, Southern and Haitian term 'Horse' has the connotation of a spiritually or magically 'possessed' human, animal or spirit.  So Yee (Gee)haw is the word urging a spirit in all directions of operation.  Haw is left in the US, it is right in the UK.  Gee is left in the UK and right in the United States.  Ka and Karrender are East Anglian (sometimes invocatory) words that mean "Look Here/Manifest", sort of an 'English Amen'.   Ka is used by The Way of Eight Winds (Magister Nigel Pennick).  Please see Secrets of East Anglian Magic - Page 134 .  'Karrender' seems to be almost forgotten.  Ka is used by the Cultus Sabbati, but may be more related to the Egyptian word Ka (Soul/Double).
Why certain cultural areas are more relevant to this blog:  We are most interested in Scandinavian, Irish, British ( East Anglian -England) Wales, German, Spanish, French, Cherokee/US, Middle-Eastern (Jewish/'European Jewish'), folklore, culture, folk-magic, witchery/witchin' because of 'genetic inheritance' .
The Counter-magic of the burial shroud/gown (17th to 19th century Sweden). Some Svartkonstboks (black books, oddly called, as they were mostly Christianized folk magic) recommend the use of the burial shroud/gown (obtaining a piece of the burial gown) to nullify the effects of Trollkonst (Witchery/Sorcery).  Contemporarily, Swedish burial gowns are only used in rural areas and that seems to be rare (I've only encountered one website for old fashioned burial gowns in Sweden).  They resembled a long collared shirt, without buttons, which reached to the ankles and were made for both men and women.  This is reflective of the old English and American folk practice of touching a 'skin disease' to cure the disease with the hand of the deceased.  Other 'artifacts' from the dead were used to stop epilepsy.  The power of the Mighty Dead's physical attributes was nullification of disease and sorcery directed against the person.  Th...
A Southern Witchery/Folk Magic explanation of the Azoetia: Azoth=the 'fabric' of the Universe, as opposed to the Goetia, the 'fabric' of Hell.  I've noticed that some people say The Azoetia is unworkable.  This is not true, the only problem is that you must know which Aat/Cell/Letter to begin the year with (Sabbat is the Eight Winds of Medieval Practicum/ The 'Catholic' Holidays).  Does The Cultus Sabbati begin with Halloween or Christmas, this is the only prohibitive part of understanding their Art.  We do not have Sabbats or Esbats in the Southeastern US, other than May Day, Halloween (Divining/Necromancy) and Friday the Thirteenth(s) (For making weapons/countermagic called "Witchballs" (a sort of magic bullet for enemies).  There is also moonrise (rare) and Sunrise (not so rare).  Also, the 'Dog Days' which begin in July (USA's foundation to August).
Of the Biblia Arcana Magica Alexander (AKA The 6 and 7th Book of Moses/Mosha): The First Schemhamphorash ('Shining/Solar Name of God):  One who is in the greatest need pronounces with reverence "JOVE" The Second  Schemhamphorash:  "YESERAYE"...pronounced to answer questions and fulfill wishes, by Angels and Spirits. The Third Schemhamphorasch: Adonay Sabaoth, Cadas Adonay Amara- For Necromantia and answers from the mighty dead.

An explanation of 'Stob'

An explanation of 'Stob':  A stob is a wooden stake used in Mountain/Southeastern/Appalachian folk magic, as well as, in old French folk magic.  Each wooden stake has a particular property, the American differs from the European.  The stake/stob makes a certain magical principle manifest when it penetrates the ground according to the intent of the witch/sorcerer/folk-magician.  So, one may 'nail down' 'paradise' or 'hell' according to will and intent.  In the Southeast, the Stob can be as simple as a 'sound/vibrational instrument' to drive snakes and night-crawlers (worms used in fishing-  We invite you to watch the Eastern TN "Heartland Series" about fishing stobs) to stobs that cause a feeling of being watched/ moving out/ spiritual revelation, etc.  So, this is the reason for the name, a whole Arcana in wood and 'we' are surrounded by it.  I invite you to join us, but I also caution you that anything stolen fr...