
Showing posts from March, 2018

Medieval Beasts

Medieval Beasts           Hedgehogs?, Lions, Unicornus and Elephants, Simias, Feles?...  My Latin is terrible...                                                                                                                                        

Bestiary (Novus) Three Hands Press

Bestiary (Novus)

Black Sun Productions - Spedito , of Contemplation on the male form

Black Sun Productions - Spedito

Black Sun Productions Coil - A List Of Wishes (mUSICA)

Black Sun Productions Coil - A List Of WisHES                Apparently, Switzerland has a law , that you can't show men urinating, so they were fined huge amounts.  Pierce and Mossimo, have quit shows and music, unfortunately...!  Sooo, all the Swiss teens, who sat on the toilet filming with cell phones ('Handie') received a fine?  I'd rather see Pierce and Mossimo...

Cindytalk, 'Lost uNFOUND' -UK (mUSICA)

Cindytalk - Lost Unfound (version)

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe | Resonance | Performance | Exploratorium (Musica)

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe | Resonance | Performance | Exploratorium