
Showing posts from November, 2017

Esclarmonde de Montségur - Music video clip - "Padre nostre" cancion de los cataros

Esclarmonde de Montségur - Music video clip - "Padre nostre" cancion de los cataros 'herdsman(cattlemen/people), shepherds (sheep -herders), 'Stobs' (anchors-fixers), Les Chevilles...'

Happy Martinmas

Happy Martinmas and Old (true) Hallowe'en,  may your Ancestors imbue you with knowledge , magia and customs, in oneiric and waking life.

Heilung/LIFA show, ...Eine Stunde und sechzehn Minuten

Heilung/LIFA show

Sale on my claimed (owned FB) page

"I'm Outta Dutch with Reality Productions" Facebook page is for sale...hit me up.  Yes, we must survive, like yourself.  All trademarks, namesakes, rights will be released to you... "A youth hostel, a dispensary, an 'ironic' bakery, an Amsterdam red or blue/light district business...etc."


And your heart...Fields of the Nephilim "We must suffer to free our pain"  And a sci-fi geek, once told me that the band was crap and irrelevant. What is irrelevant is 'sci fi' , anti-archaeology, and the hate of science (observed, observed, observed, replicable, replicable, replicable).  Who cares about 'star wars' or that dross. "But then we 'fell' into the harsher life of farming, with its ceaseless toil and daily grind. And we know primitive farming was harsh, compared to the relative indolence of hunting, because of the archaeological evidence. " Read mo ... re:…/Do-mysterious-stones-mark-site… Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook  They were  " Horrified" at Cain, for introducing stable farming (hence he symbolically murdered the the lazy hunter gather Abel).

Shanti People - Hanuman Jam (Live at Kyiv) (Monkey Soul)

Shanti People - Hanuman Jam

sHANTI pEOPLE - Mahishasura Mardini (droplex mix)

Mahishasura (Great SH-Asura)

Shanti People (live in Kiev), Banda Brasileira (2016)

Shanti People - SHIVA Tandav Stotram I love that people of East Indian ancestry, 'seem' to like this one.  She has bothered to learn Sanskrit, so they don't feel like it's a cultural theft.  Just a clear singing of the stotram, albeit in a non-trad. way.  Brazil is also one of our finest, American countries...too, so be in awe!

Martinmas(s)/ Old/Ancestral Hallowe'en

First/ 'White' : Christian, Saint Martin cuts his cloak in half so that a poor man doesn't freeze in the night. Patron Saint of the poor and young children. Martinmas (Mass of Saint Martin), (Jesus and Mary, always). "And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Second/ Middle/ "Gray/Grey": Folk/ Old (True/Ancestral) Hallowe'en eve, Divining, Ancestor veneration/'Elphame' venerat ... ion and reparation of offenses, 'house-cleaning (take that as you like)' 'Light Bearing (take it as you like)', 'Necromancy, the clear'. Experience of all things of winter and hardships. The best path for living on 'man's' planet, not unrelated to the other two. Third: "Black" Old ideas and beliefs ...'Necromancy, (the hazey)', 'destruction', terror, sacrifice, killing of hogs, geese, a...