
Showing posts from October, 2017

First, Second, Third

First Gate: New Hallowe'en, pop Hallowe'en October 31st Second Gate: November the 1st. Third Gate: November 11th to 13th...

New Oct 31 Hallowe'en 'fumigation'.

Nakhla two apples (middle-eastern 'appled/molasses' tobacco), myrrh, black copal and lobelia...

The 'Heartland Series' , Upland South Hallowe'en

Unfortunately, it is not on Youtube. Bill Landry explains an old Witch 'initiation' in Eastern Tennessee.  It follows our mythic cycle, so I know it is true. Paraphrased : "A young woman, goes to an 'old woman' (a witch) and asks her how she might become a witch.  The old woman explains that she must go to a river before sunrise and tell 'God', 'curse God', that she would no longer serve 'him' and only serve the "Devil".  Then, by miracula, appeared a white handkerchief with a drop of blood.  The witch must eat the drop (sometimes said to be three or four drops).  Then, 'the Old Woman/Man' would 'test' her or him..."

Halloween Julian..New Style

English people who call Hallowe'en an 'Imperial American (they mean U.S.A, correctly) holiday are dull as a bag of feathers. Seriously, they speak about how stupid we are, then have no clue about history. Halloween is a Catholic/ folk religion U.S.A., Scottish, Irish, Manx, Welsh (Nos Galen Gof), Cornish (Allantide) holiday. Bunch of chavs in England, anyway, these days.

'Genii Loci'

Victor Le Torey mansion and vinyard, Byrd Mountain and Cabin (36°06'39.7"N 84°34'23.6"W), more haunted than any place in Tennessee, Morgan County. Instead of silly spook ongoing 'party' for spooks'.

Stolen or borrowed?

I think, they've (American Horror Story) stolen Southern/Scots-Irish folklore with the lines, "I AM queen of every hive and thee tree and the lightning that strikes it..." I and many USA Upland Southerners have discussed, in part, the potency of the lightning struck tree.  Most of 'Our Kind' have several on Our Lands...excellent research department on their part, I suppose?! Some say the 'song of Amergin', but the lightning struck tree is not in that poem, it refers to a particularly Upland Southern USA tradition...?

LOL, Illuminati post

The supposed Illuminati have contacted me, lol. Which died out in the late 18th century, historically. I may be wrong, but I am none of you and my people are not your breed, far older...

October-November -December

I often wonder what  Old Ancestors, Relatives (Kin), and the recently deceased (parents and grandparents) are experiencing at this moment.  I have been in 'transis' and the oneiric vision of a 'kingdom' of multi-layered graves descending into a great marbled hall with a gracious 'lady in white' and the hall contains a white staircase leading ever upwards.  I have been in a world of white trees and warm white snow.   I have been in  a world of 'yelling whirlpools' and talking 'holes'... Are these the same things the dead are experiencing or just what the living 'travelers', see?   How can souls on the 'other' manipulate earthly things, like electricity, electronics, weather, etc.  Some will argue, oh there is no science to support this idea.  Item one: neurons are electrical/chemical cannot be the 'seat' of human/animal personality is 'energy'.  Are they at the 'next door', y...

Our Herb of Hallowe'en

Lobelia inflata Lobelia inflata ...'Thomsonian medicine'...'Our Herb' (if you survive Lobelia during the 31st October to the 13th of November, you've accomplished a feat)...  It 'closes' the lungs, rather than 'opening' them...'in transis.'..

Danheim - Ulfhednar

Danheim - Ulfhednar

UK DECAY ~ Werewolf "Alte, lol" andere

A Varg (Werewolf), a Vampire (Vampire) and a Witch (Hexerei, Haksan, Brujer) are one and the same...two are dead...and one is alive or just so... UK DECAY ~ Werewolf

Hollow by Wendy Rule (from the film BOYS IN THE TREES)

Hollow by Wendy Rule (from the film BOYS IN THE TREES)

Chris and Cosey - Send the Magic Down

Chris and Cosey - Send the Magic Down Intro: A:C: "In the Years of the Primal Course, in the dawn of terrestrial birth, Man mastered the mammoth and horse, and Man was the Lord of the Earth. He made him an hollow skin from the heart of an holy tree, He compassed the earth therein, and Man was the Lord of the Sea." 'Shouting through the Valley OF THE ONE...Sending the Magic DOWN.."

Rus, Volga Tribes, Vikings accounts by early 'sociologist'

History of the 'Rus', Volga tribes from an objective observer. When science, maths, medicine, sociology were part of the 'Empire', instead of rhetoric... Ahmad Ibn Fadlan

Nordic Iron Age Grave Field and Hill Fort

Nordic Iron Age Grave Field and Hill Fort Cup holes in Norfolk and Yorkshire, as well.  Heating rocks into glass (vitrification)...'glass castles'.

An Cailleach Bhearra (Granny Veera) , Irish Short film

An Cailleach Bhearra


There are many nations, within there is no one government 'for all', in any... I see the FBI and NSA files, getting thicker.  We are joking, but no...they will, laughingly!

Arnica URO

ARNICA - Uro [HD1080 Official Music Video]

Tempestade | Urze de Lume (Musica)

 Urze de Lume

Spanish Police Injure 800 in Crackdown on Catalonia Independence Referendum as Crisis Escalates
