
Showing posts from October, 2015

More 'modern' hypnotic music...For Halloween and other 'times'

Lapis Niger - "At theThrone of MeLeK TauS" Lapis Niger - "Inside the Black Pearl" Obviously, these are more 'West Asian', influenced concepts.  Although, at one time I think Victor and Cora Anderson, said they were followers of MLK TS.  I really don't know much about so called "Feri" so I don't know if he is an 'Avatar' to that belief system, anymore.  The 'Peacock Spirit' appears and originated in Kurdish belief and is 'used'/talked about in several UK/US systems of magia. 

Personal Symbolism

Each person must receive from their Spirits, whether this is your God (in the case of the 'Major' religions) or from folk beliefs, symbols of the renewed covenant.  To say that there are no new 'revelations', nullifies what one believes and causes a shell/husk of belief.  This is why 'modern' people are reluctant to believe in spiritual/non material forms, which are all that are given to us in dreams and during/after death.  Evidence, materialization, ingenuity, gnosis from the greater and lesser spirits.  There is 'nothing new under the Sun', but the presentation of the old, tried and true has a multitude of various forms and presentations.  The mark of true revelation is defined as that which holds true and is useful (helpful), even in the 'modern world'.  The ideas which are said to be universal, often apply to the privileged.   It's been said by numerous scholars, occultists, religious figures, sages, etc.; a personal ... Coil - In My Head A Crystal Sphere Of Heavy Fluid - Datenverarbeiter Video   More Modern Ritual music, causing a dissonance or shift in perception.  Daniel Schulke, surprisingly, is a fan.  The only thing I 'know' about him. More music that pertains to ritual.  Obviously, everyone won't like or identify with this, but I'm using the blog to create an Eidolae of self.  Which some can use and others can discard. The Farmer's 'Curst' Wife.  The old 'lifting' song.  You can probably see why the rhythm was 'hypnotic', facilitating  mantic and trance states. The Soft Moon - Total Decay Obviously, new 'ritual' music is more focused on the 'Void', the Indefinable.  Older, (60's to early aughts 00's) focused on traditional spiritual powers (vampires, Gods, Jesus, The 'Devil', Ghosts, Demons, Fairies, etc).  I'm not a fan of most Appalachian music, with the exception of old folk music, I.e. "The Old Man Under the Hill", "The Cursed Wife", etc.  The "Cursed Wife" was used as a transvection (archaic word for flying) chant for witches in North Carolina in the 1700's according to F. Roy Johnson, a 1960's folklorist in North Carolina.

Old Fashioned 'cures' for a malevolently haunted house, an early Halloween post.

There are a few definitions of a 'haunted house'.  One is the 'old world' definition; a house has been built on a track-way in the direct path from a cemetery or on a path that the old folk (fair-folk), and witches use.  The dead and the 'old people (fair folk/Seelige Leute -Blessed People-German)' are one and the same, according to old and new world lore, in my opinion.   I say this, because the customs are the same: I.e. "turn your cloaks, because fairies live in old oaks".  In the South Eastern U.S. , the old folklore is that a person must turn their coat inside out when they are pursued by a ghost.  Obviously, a reflection of the simplification of old world lore (there aren't many 'fairy-stories' in the U.S.,) also the British accents were dropped as a way of separating us from them during the "Revolutionary Period", as an example, of this simplification. The old methods were to hammer a new board in the house, which appar...