
Showing posts from July, 2015

Thoughts on "Keeping your Word"

If you promise something, I think it's best to "keep your word", as much as possible.  I'm not defining the concept in a moral way, but in a "spiritual" way.  I.e., if you have told someone you will give them a "ride" to the doctor, find some information for them, bring them something, etc.;  then you must do it and try your best to fulfill your word.  There are a few reasons why I believe this idea.  It has been said/ written about that spirits (i.e. Ghosts, 'The Mighty Dead', 'Seelige Leute', The Good Folk (Fairies), find humans fickle.  So, one might acquire merit to the ancestors when one speaks "true".  "Common/Vulgar" speech is a problem, as you are constantly damning this one, cursing this one, using "foul language".  So by "cursing" or constantly speaking ill of others, you have lost the perception and power of actually "cursing" someone who has threatened Life, Limb, and Fa...

History Channel part Two

Banned from the Bible Part II

History Channel

Banned from the Bible...Books for some reason or another, that were left out?